Majikku yelled from atop the carriage, "Alright mates we've arrived... at the first town. And since i don't think any of you have more moeny than i do we need to spread out and get some jobs," with that he leaped down and started running around looking for an ideal target. As he run he spotted someone ideal, the classic old lady with the cat in a tree senario. He skidded to a stop next to her, "Never fear Majikku is here!" Majikku carefully looked at the cat, always a tricky business the beasts always wanted to claw you more then they wanted to be let down. He also had to make sure that cat didn't jump down by himself or else he probally wouldn't even get a reward. Luckily Majikky had done this more then once and he had the foolproof let a cat down from a tree plan. He swiftly ran up to the tree and jumped chopping the branch the cat was on and catching it, then he carefully lowered it to the ground and the cat gave him an ugly look and ran back into it's owner's arms. Majikku grinned and walked up to the lady, "So how about that fine work," he said flexing a little, "Seem's almost like you should give me a reward eh?" The old lady simply smiled at him, "Almost." she said and then walked away. Majikku watched with his jaw dropping, that little..... bah he would find someone else to help, WHO WAS NICER THEN HER.