"So!" Jun said, pointedly ignoring his kid's previous comment about the birds and the bees. Nope, he wasn't even going there. Nope. "Are you happy to be a part of the rebellion? Yes? Good. I'm not manipulating you into anything, am I? No? Awesome!" The swordsman rolled his eyes at Magrus who seemed seconds away from exploding in irritation before adopting a particularly somber, serious tone, "I am in no way responsible for your death, either, so don't get killed." He continued talking after a breath, pacing like an army drill sergeant. "You [i]will[/i] experience warfare. You [i]will[/i] see death and destruction all around you. But don't worry, with that over sized helmet on, I doubt you can see two feet in front of your face so-[i]ooo[/i]..." "Basically, don't come crying to me if you get a booboo, and by that I mean a severed arm, because I am [i]not[/i] good with blood. Now's your time to get up and leave." He sent the kid a look that said, '[i]if-you-leave-after-that-speech-I-might-just-kill-you[/i]'. ---- "Well, men and ladies, it seems that we've done it--," she started, cutting herself off just in time to dive at Ran. Suyin was in the process of striking a victorious, heroic pose - or at least looking suitably proud - when her brother began to collapse, ruining the moment completely. "Damn it, Brother! You're heavy for a saviour!" Somehow managing to sling his arm over his shoulder, she beckoned Lee over to take the other which was not the best of ideas with their considerable height difference. After the swordsman had taken one side of her brother, she detached herself from him carelessly. Hey, she was a girl -- it wasn't her job! (Of course, some would consider fighting not to be for women either, but she purposefully ignored that side of the argument.) "Genji is right," she said to the group with a nod at the firebender. "However, we need to get my brother to the boat first -- take a moment's breather -- and [i]then[/i] we'll join in with the second wave of the assault. If I'm right, the pirates have a chokepoint--" Looking back towards where they had come from, she could see the pirates they had sort-of-not-defeated walking through the nearby trees. With a groan of disappointment that they hadn't been defeated yet, Suyin noticed they were walking towards where the battlefield would be. "Now! We need to go [i]now[/i]!"" Slower than she would have liked, the group set off back to the ship.