She frowned when he said she walked like a man, it's like she couldn't do anything right. But she answerved his questions swiftly and simply enough. "Well, I am Julia, a pleasure to meet you as well,", she smirked, "and at the moment, I think all I'm looking for is for you to not kill me in my sleep. Not only do you see right through me, but everything thing I do is wrong. So perhaps if we stick together a bit longer than just this evening, you can pass on a few pointers." While her tone was at first bitter, there was a genuineness to her words. "I've done nothing with my life worthy of mentioning, I have no idea who my parents are, grew up in a worthless town, and I, being a half blood, was quite close to worthless to most who lived there. So, suffice to say, I've learned at an early age how to blend in and disappear. That's all there is to it. Where ever this ..... arrangement goes, is up to you. It's clear that you have the better hand in this round." She matched his footsteps perfectly as they walked through the dark terrain. Looking like a guy or not, at the very least, she wasn't heard.