[i]Interesting, but unimpressive,[/i] Kaeru thought to himself after the Duel. He had seen all manner of Fusion and Synchro Duelists before, many of whom were far more skilled than the two who had just given the Exhibition Duel. [i]But they are, after all, only students.[/i] Of course, he himself was a student, but he liked to think he was more talented than those around him. And until he was proven wrong. Discreetly, he changed masks. The new one was perhaps the most plain one he owned. It was a simple orange face with a rather bored look to it. Then he stood and made his way out of the stadium. He walked for a while, exploring the insides of the school, looking at this and that, and trying to familiarize himself with the place so he wouldn't get lost. He hadn't even finished his exploration of the first floor when someone mockingly shouted, "Hey, Mask-Face! Got somethin' you're trying to hide? Why don't you take off the mask and be normal?" If the idiot who had just said that had known who Kaeru was, he would have realized that the boy behind the mask could fight back. Shaking his head, Kaeru turned toward the voice. "How about this," he spat, "we Duel, and based on the outcome, I may remove my mask. But of course, I wouldn't blame you if you were afraid to Duel me." "Me? Afraid? Of someone like you? You're a runt. You couldn't beat me," the other boy taunted. "Then Duel, unless you're all talk," Kaeru said, activating his Duel Disk. The other boy mirrored Kaeru before saying, "You know what? I'll even take the first move, that way short stuff can get in his little draw before he gets knocked down and out." Kaeru stood silent and somewhat inattentive as his opponent pulled a rather long combo that somewhere along the lines used "[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_Sylvania]Mount Sylvania[/url]", then a copy of "[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Soul_Charge]Soul Charge[/url]" and drained his opponent of 3000 Life Points. The end result was all Kaeru really paid attention to, which was two copies of "[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Orea,_the_Sylvan_High_Arbiter]Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter[/url]", but the guy had no cards remaining in his hand, and surprisingly no face-down cards. Nothing other than the two monsters, the Field Spell, and a measly[i]If you're going to play Sylvans, at least learn to do it right,[/i] Kaeru thought. He had seen that the Deck was popular among Xyz users, and even some Synchro users, but typically the player would Summon one big, formidable monster that would lock down the opponent's field with some amount leftover for the next turn, not spend everything to get out two monsters like that. Kaeru shrugged when he was given the cue to make his move. Defeating this guy would be all too easy. Silently, he drew his card and sighed. It wasn't an entertaining Duel when your opponent set up their own defeat. "I Tribute both your monsters--" Kaeru began, a sense of boredom now in his voice, but he was cut off by his opponent. "You can't Tribute my monsters for your Summon! Don't you know how to play?" "I [i]can[/i] Tribute them if I'm Summoning a monster to [i]your[/i] field," Kaeru explained, getting annoyed. "Have some fun with my '[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lava_Golem]Lava Golem[/url]'. Your move." The giant monster formed around the Duelist, trapping him within a cage. Sure it was underhanded to defeat an opponent like this in most people's eyes, but the guy deserved it, the way Kaeru saw it. "By the way, you'll take 1000 damage during your Standby Phase." "Wait, what?!" Kaeru's opponent shouted. "You can't do this. It's not fair!" "I'm waiting for you to start your turn," Kaeru said. "And you're not getting out of that cage until you do." Eventually, the person began his turn, which quickly ended the Duel, which went in Kaeru's favor. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Kaeru asked, not awaiting an answer, but simply turning off his Duel Disk and walking away.