[b]ID Image:[/b] [img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/64074844/large.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Delacroix, Juliette [b]Date of Birth:[/b] 28, December, 1996 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality: [/b]A quiet and reserved individual, Juliette likes keeping to herself and lets very few people into her life. But those that do manage to wriggle their way in, gain her trust and loyalty. Others, however, tend to be intimidated by her because of her abilities. And rightly so, considering that she uses them to [s]experiment[/s] pull pranks on people...just for some harmless fun of course. [b]History:[/b] Ancestors of the Delacroix family could be traced back to France, but after Juliette's great-great-great-grandfather moved to Japan, the family has lived there ever since. The current members of the family were well-known in the quaint town of Yawata, Japan for their kind, generous natures. Juliette's father was a priest, a well-respected man who had devoted his life to preaching, and her mother was equally as devout. When Juliette was born, she was raised with strict religious principles, however, she soon showed signs of being different from her family. Her parents noticed that she didn't seem as eager in the lessons her father tried to teach her as her siblings were, nor did she seem to like interacting with her family much. She was too quiet for a child and was often found spending time by herself instead of with other children. Little did they know that Juliette was actually practicing her magic in secret. She started with small things at first, like animating her dolls, and as the years passed she moved onto bigger things, honing her magic by herself by reading countless books to learn more about her abilities. At school, her classmates were rather afraid of her and tended to avoid her after several weird incidents involving accidents that always seemed to happen around her. Of course, they were no accidents, as Juliette was exploring her abilities and needed 'test subjects'. The rumors surrounding her grew, and it didn't take long for her to become an outcast in the small town, shunned even by her family. The invitation to the Academy came as a pleasant surprise and she didn't hesitate in enrolling herself. [b]Subject:[/b] Magic, Alchemy, Fortune Telling, Exorcism, Biology, Chemistry, French. [b]Preferred Housing:[/b] Prominence [b]Unique Factor: [/b]Voodoo. With the usage of voodoo dolls, she can puppet a person's actions, inflict damage, curse them with ailments or even heal them if she wishes to. To do this, she must first acquire an object or some form of DNA from the person she wants to affect.