Center, Alina, and Farhad were discussing the influx of new people. Alina was the first to comment on the matter. "So many rookies from various backgrounds. Goliath Gath said it best as a rainbow coalition. I'll give my two cents on this: Quality over quantity. Some I'll have to discipline myself." Farhad interjected. "Keep in mind that human troops aren't as expendable. Sure we were seven milliard but we are facing extinction. It doesn't help that Kalleh-e Marg is actually slaughtering portions of our species!" "You two settle down! Besides, we have the machines to fall back on as well as the CLAM initiatives our scientists and engineers picked up on." Center attempted to calm down the argument between Alina and Farhad, with J2K backing Center. "Because I have the Three Laws of Robotics installed for the rules of engagement, I can attest to what Center has stated. My kind can become humanity's last bastion if needed." This was neither the place nor the time to lose cool. Keeping calm would be the key to victory. Nobody truly knows what the Head of Death has in mind. Perhaps he can get some recruits gene modded for covert operations. He knew just the person for covert ops. Calling up Patrick O'Toole, Center has a plan in mind and would formulate it further once the candidate for covert operations arrived. Alina, Farhad, and J2K stuck around in case something happens. The three were among Center's trusted inner circle.