Navi sat in a tavern in one of the less reputable areas of Hyrule Castle Town. The tavern was called the Red Dragon and it was a common location for black market traders, harlots, and dealers of medicine that was said to have strange effects on the psyche. Navi sat on one of the rafters her bare feet dangling down. No one was aware of her presence. They were either too drunk or assumed her the daughter of the bar keep. Either way Navi didn't mind there lack of attention. She had never been the centre of it before and that was not likely to change anytime soon. She was here because she liked to watch. She liked to observe everything. The Hyleans, Gorons, Zoras, every now and again a Gerudo. Each with there own life and there own agenda. Something they needed to do or else were just here for a good time. A minstrel on the stage had put on a beautiful performance of the Bolero of Fire. It was a powerful piece but only contained true magic when played with the right instrument. The melody bore Navi back. To better times. When she had friends and a companion who would never leave her side. This was before she had learned to take on a human form, back so many years ago when she'd been a glowing ball of blue energy. But that had to be more than three hundred years ago... or more Navi's sense of time wasn't phenomenal, sometimes she was unsure of what year it was. Next to her sat a plate and tankard, the plate decorated with a decent array of mortal food. The tankard, something spicy and sweet. Since she'd learned to take on human form her body had required real food in order to sustain itself. Back when she was young, no more than a child all she had required was energy, something that hung in the air and ground in the Kikiri woods and after she'd left them Link had traversed enough Fairy Fountains, places of mystical energy, that she was never unsatisfied. Suddenly a wave of something ancient and powerful swept over her causing the potatoes in her stomach to churn. She knew this feeling. She'd felt it a dozen times or so over the centuries, every creature connected to the Goddesses could feel it. But it couldn't be true, not now. Hyrule was in a state of peace, a hero wasn't called for, no one could have drawn the Master's Sword. Without realizing it Navi had been digging her fingers deeper into the support beam she sat on. As the power of the Sword faded away she felt the pain in her hands. She drew them out of the deep indents in the wood and looked at them. Her fingers were covered in a thin film of a pale white iridescent liquid, blood. She cursed to herself. She had to see if what she felt was true, could another hero have arisen, was Link returned once more? She walked alone the support beam leaving her supper where it was. She hopped down landing lightly on her feet behind most of the crowd. If any saw her they didn't feel it worth mentioning. Outside it was pouring rain. She caught her reflection in some of the puddles. In her mortal form she appeared perhaps fourteen or fifteen. She had white hair the cascaded to the small of her back and was dancing and swirling in the wind. Her skin was smooth and fair and at times seemed to give off a blue glow. Many might consider it a trick of the light but the glow to her skin was her fairy magic hovering right below the surface. She wore a loose but modest dress that opened in the pack to allow her wings to unfurl. When they were dormant her wings looked like elaborate tattoos pressed into her skin. They too shone with a pale blue light. Looking at her reflection Navi wondered how more people did not realize she was not of their world. Then again if there was one thing she had learned in her many years it was that people often saw only that they wished too and blocked out that which they didn't. When Twilight had descended on Hyrule not one of them was able to see themselves waste away into spirits. Perhaps it was the same with her. Navi turned into an abandoned alleyway and checking first to make sure no one was watching snapped her fingers. Her body shone with a sapphire light which folded in on itself until she was again a glowing blue orb with wings. She could travel much faster in this form, unimpeded by land, it took it's told. Her energy was not unlimited and without access to fairy fountains or the Kikiri woods she had to replenish it with mortal food, a poor substitute for the life energy she had fed on in her youth. Navi moved fast her surroundings blurring but she still knew where she was, She may have been banished from the Kikiri Forest but the Lost Woods were another story. They were a no man's land. They belonged to nobody and no one had command over them. It did not take long for Navi to reach the remains of the Temple of Time. It had crumpled over the years. The glowing white marble fading to dull stone. She thought fleetingly of how beautiful it was long ago before she returned to human form and pushed the doors open. She walked the hall in seconds her destination the Sleeping Chamber of the Master's Sword. The Door of Time had long since been opened and remained that way. There were no obstacles in her path. When she reached the Pedestal of Time her worst fears were confirmed. The Master's Sword was gone, the cycle had begun again. Navi turned on her heels and ran from the Temple. She transformed into Fairy Form mid flight and with a blinding speed born of anguish and regret arrived back at Castle Town. She brought forth her human form again and as her feet hit the ground she was overcome with dizziness. She stumbled and her knees became covered in mud. She shook her head out. She'd used too much of her fairy magic, too much energy. She... she needed to eat something, or perhaps rest. Navi shook off the feeling and stood. She had a room at the Red Dragon for the night, she would rest there and recover her strength. She moved more slowly her thoughts muddled as the Red Dragon grew closer. The Master's Sword was drawn, the battle would begin again. She pushed the door to the inn open, she'd not walked more than three paces when she became again dizzy and attempting to steady herself she knocked a man's tankard off a table. "HEY!" he yelled but the voice sounded far away. She took two more stumbling steps her eyes becoming unfocused. She felt to her knees looking to the sky. Then she saw him. A man, blonde hair, a blue earring, a gold symbol glowing on his hand as he removed his glove, she knew him. He had haunted her dreams for centuries. "Link?" she asked to the blurring form before the darkness crowded into her mind and she fell to the floor of the pub.