[hider=Nation][b]Name:[/b] Basileia Rhomaion [b]Capital City:[/b] Konstantinoupolis [b]Ruler:[/b] Basileus Letholdus I [b]Form of government:[/b] Empire [b]Traits:[/b] - Militaristic: [i]Byzantine armies are famed for their combined arms legions.[/i] - Seafaring: [i]The Byzantine navy is feared for it's use of Greek Fire.[/i] [b]Brief history:[/b] Becoming an independent nation after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Basileia Rhomaion's borders were quickly taken over by rival nations. Developments within the empire and the rise of a powerful Basileus have given the Basileia Rhomaion the perfect opportunity for expansion. [b]Claimed land (map if possible please):[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qySyYaL.png?1[/img][/hider] [hider=Ruler][b]Name:[/b] Letholdus I [b]Title(s):[/b] Letholdus the Great, Letholdus the First, Basileus, Emperor of the Romans [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Brief backstory:[/b] The son of an Illyrian peasant, Letholdus took the throne after a successful military career, and with the help of his friend and renowned general Belisarius. Letholdus and Belisarius won several famous battles together against enemies of the Empire. The previous Basileus adopted Letholdus as his son and heir while on his deathbed as a result, and due to the fact that he was heirless. [b]Appearance (image or description):[/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Justinian.jpg[/img] [b]Personality and interests (what do they want?):[/b] Letholdus seeks the expansion of the Empire's borders at all costs. He wishes for the Basileia Rhomaion to become the greatest power in the land and will do whatever it takes it achieve this. He loves his people but holds himself above them as their ruler and liege. He can be both ruthless and kind, cunning and stubborn. Letholdus is a mix of conflicting traits, but none doubt his resolve nor his ability.[/hider]