Mira greeted Lucian with a quiet smile, allowing Praetor to respond and then turn his attention back on her. Her grin faded at the subjects, her lips pursed, and a flicker of worry or anxiety or fear or something flashed over her eyes. "I rather not clash directly with the Blackmoores," she said. "Most of them are older than most of us--you an exception." She shared Praetor's feelings about the rival clan; however, she was afraid of spilling too much blood, cautious. She opened her mouth to voice that maybe they could arrange a meeting and speak with the clan, but Praetor was already changing subjects. [i]Probably for the best,[/i] she thought, unsure how the idea would be taken. She remained unsmiling. Although she didn't agree on many things with "the Greek," she still respected him as her sire and was always hesitant to join in Praetor's quips about him. That isn't to say she [i]never[/i] joins in on them, however... "He has business somewhere south," she explained, not too sure herself of the specifics. "I'm not sure when he'll be back." ------- [i]Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.[/i] Klaus strode up to the Kingston estate, a smug smile resting on his face as he entered, eyes flickering between the Blood Scribes and then to the Elder who stood before the "children." Unlike Mira who seemed stuck in the Gothic period what with her lacy skirts and tight corsets, his clothes didn't warrant any extra looks from pedestrians. Except for maybe how handsome he looked in them: dress shirt, dark pants. Probably described as business casual. "Frankie, hello," Klaus greeted in a bitter, teasing way as a corner of his lip pulled up to show off a fang. He never addressed the Elder as such, usually to emphasize that [i]he[/i] was the eldest in the room. "What brings you here?" He looked to Theodora as she passed on the paperwork; he could see what brought the wrinkly vampire to the Kingston home, but he admitted to himself being a little curious about the details.