Though Zy spoke the truth when he accused Sanguin of eavesdropping, she cared far less about any potential rudeness her guildmates might have gleaned from her -even she even acknowledged it at all- than she did about the younger wizard talking smack. “F*** you buddy,” she shouted at the back of his head, rising to her feet with enough force to almost knock the table over. She might have continued, perhaps followed him to punctuate her displeasure with a smack to the face, when the voice of Pollux, whom even Sanguin admired, cut across the guild hall. While his succinct explanation enlightened Sanguin a little, she still didn't have much of a clue what was going on; having not paid attention before, she was about as clear as mud on the issue. What she did understand, however, was that she might be needed. Before she could reply, Ben moved off in the direction of the grandmaster, leaving her to follow him. A hint if annoyance troubled her, for it seemed that Ben had invited her on some scheme only to immediately ignore her by walking off. As Ben sidled up to Pollux, Sanguin wasn't far behind. Standing in front of Fairy Tail's leader and a few of his closest comrades wasn't something she was used to. Being among the other B-class wizards suited her better, and the company of lower-class wizards pleased her as well. Never one much for formalities, she launched into conversation directly following Pollux. “Don't send him alone then. Let me go too. I'm dying to maim something, but even a fresh of breath air will help, yeah? I mean, breath of know.” Somewhat embarrassed, she ran her fingers through her short, black hair, trying to scratch an itch that didn't exist. “And anyway, the other members of my team [i]still[/i] aren't back from that escort job.” The job in question had been taken by her team, the Wild Bunch, only a day ago, and Fairy Tail's physician had cautioned her not to go on account of a blow to the back of the head she had received the day before.