[hider=Joanna Vipera] Name: Joanna Vipera Age: Naga as creatures can live for a very long time, and in human years she'd around 123, by human standards, she appears to be 25 or so. Gender: Female. Birthplace: Myanmar Religious Affiliation: Unaffiliated. Secular Affiliation: Nagi Level of education: Extremely high for a woman, on par with most averagely educated men. Social status: Slave Occupation: Former Sage and Huntress. Explorer. Appearance: [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2004/330/0/b/Naga_by_Rawksan.jpg]Based upon this image[/url] This is where we get interesting. Joanna, if that’s even her real name, is a rather tall individual (standing at a solid 5’9) with long legs and a distinct hourglass build with a large rear and chest, with a small waist. Her appearance generally ranges from place to place due to her habit of taking the ethnicity and racial appearance that is most favored in whatever region of the world she is in. So her facial appearance will be described IC side, and variations between her appearances will change throughout the duration of the RP. However, when the gloves come off, Joanna’s real appearance comes to light. At a staggering twenty five feet long, and generally at the elevation at around seven feet high and weighing about as much as two large men, Joanna is what is described in Indian culture as a Naga. From the waist upwards she looks like a human of Arian decent, save for a few differences such as claws being on her hands instead of nails, having fangs, and having light scaling on her shoulders and back giving her a slightly browning hue. Her mouth is capable of splitting at the lower jaw, and dislocating, and opening far wider than what a normal human should be able to. Like a viper, there are two fangs that fold against the roof of her mouth that can fold back. Because she is the nonvenomous variant of Nagi, these are vestigial and serve no purpose other than to simply make a bite more painful. She has a thin elfish face leading to a sharp chin. Her hair is light brown, almost blonde, and falls to the small of her back in length. She has large, wide green eyes that have elliptical, snake like pupils that are separated by a relatively small pointed nose. Another notable feature is that she has long elfish ears that stick out of her hair. Her lower half is where the huge difference comes in. As a Naga she only has two limbs (being their arms) and part snake, she has no legs and instead has a huge and thick snake lower body that makes up the majority of her size and weight and is incredibly strong, being the constrictor variant of Nagi. Her scales are smooth to the touch and have a distinct coloration akin to that of a red tailed boa, with a red tail end and all. Her height and dexterity make her ability to wield her six-foot staff much most effectively than when she takes the shape of a human. Personality: As a Sage, she is extremely wise and patient. She always has been the one who waits for the right moment to strike or to speak and wields her words as effectively as any weapon because of it. She’s extremely clever and uses her superior schooling to add to her sarcasm, which most do not catch. This schooling is not human based, rather is taught to the Naga by the Nagas themselves in a teacher-student fashion much like today. They are slightly less advanced than humans as a whole are, and therefor do not have knowledge of all things, but are farther ahead in other subjects, such as the medical revolution (You’d be surprised to know that people didn’t know washing their hands helped fight disease. The Naga have realized this). Her intellect and naturally huge memory makes her quick on her tongue and smart on the street when need be, and like most snakes she’d much rather slither away and live to hunt another day. She can come across as condescending at times, and maybe as the type of person who ‘knows better’, making her seem as if she’s a bit of a bossy nanny at times. While she does come across this was she has good intentions, and in general would much more likely jump on the chance to make a friend over and enemy. Skill set: Huntress – Joanna is an excellent hunter, and is capable of moving much more quietly than any normal human. She uses the surprise method that normal snakes do, which is get as close as possible and strike in a burst of speed that’s very hard to react to. She’s not exactly fleet footed though and wont be chasing anyone of thing down though while in Naga form. Sage – Joanna has general knowledge of what plants do what, and with this comes basic knowledge of alchemy. No, don’t eat that berry you dope! That’s poisonous! As a sage she has done a lot of reading to improve her patience and knowledge bank and has basic knowledge of many things, such as sailing and cooking. Nurse – Joanna has knowledge of first aid most wouldn’t think of, cleaning the wound, washing hands, swelling, etc. Basic first aid. She won’t be saving you from being stabbed by a sword but she’ll be able to help your hand from being infected by a minor cut. Staff Martial Artist – Joanna is excellent with her [url= http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120512233523/elderscrolls/images/d/d2/Dragonprieststaff_silver.png]staff[/url], and will find a use for it in almost any situation possible, whether it be fighting, or simply poking things she’s too smart to walk up and touch. She is capable of improvising other items such as brooms or sticks or rakes into makeshift weapons should she be disarmed. Basic Magic – Her staff is more than just a staff. It is a well-crafted piece of art that is a right of passage for Naga who wish to explore the outside world. It is an enchanted piece of work, and Joanna knows how to use it effectively. The staff’s ability is that it conceals its owner, and can only be take off by its owner. Essentially, it’s what keeps her appearance looking human instead of looking half snake. It turns her tail into legs. It is infused with her blood, meaning only she can activate or deactivate the spell and can do so at will, unless the staff is broken, which will result in her default appearance returning to view. Her staff must be in her disposal (In her hands, on her back, etc.) for the spell to apply to her. She will be capable of preparing objects or enchanting them with the proper supplies and equipment. Like all Naga Joanna is not capable of doing this naturally and cannot throw fireballs or cast spells normally. Languages: Most Indian Dialects, Portuguese, English, Spanish, some assorted African languages, as well as some Arabic. Her ability to know so understand languages is due to her incredible memory and ability to learn. However, she is not nearly as good at speaking Spanish and Arabic, and cannot read and write any of these languages save for the Indian dialects. Bio: Joanna was born under one of the wealthier families in one of the underground Nagi cities, and received her schooling up until reaching adulthood there. Soon after she went under the apprenticeship of other, much older Naga, and became curious of the rest of the world beyond their cities. Others had left to explore, and soon she was in training to join them. She had been told from the beginning to remain hidden at all times, as humans are terrified and violent to what they don’t understand and if she were to survive she would need to know how to blend in. It is a right of passage for a Naga to enchant a certain object or possession they are to take with them at all times when they explore outside their underground cities. So Joanna, from scratch, created her wooden staff, and with the help of her master, was able to enchant the staff she had created. It had been carved and intricately designed and was a beautiful project. When she finished, she was set off prepared and ready for the world. She was captured in Africa, and is currently located on a slave ship to be sold into Europe, most of her items have been confiscated, and her true appearance has been revealed. She got in her current situation while visiting Africa, and was abducted for the Triangular trade's economy along with many other African men and women. This has been heavily summarized. A TL;DR per say. Will be expanded upon more throughout the RP. Notes: The best way to fight a monster is with a monster.[/hider]