[img]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/firefly_zps213f11ff.gif[/img] Hania got up with Anise's help. She stumbled a little out of dehydration and looked at the boy, rubbing her eyes softly and then wiping them on what was left of her outfit. She turned around to the water when the boy's speculation caught her off guard - [quote=Mokley]"You don't look like pirates, but you're definitely not Kith. You're from a place called Riverforde, where there are still kings and princesses."[/quote] Pirates? There are pirates here? But- this was a forest. What kind of pirates lived in the woods? She opened her mouth to ask a question but his patting her head interrupted her. She clenched her eyes closed as he suddenly began to pat her on the head. She cocked her head to the side and opened her mouth again, out of astonishment rather than trying to say anything. What kind of person was this? Kith? Is that what he was? [quote=Mokley]Didn't you drink from the pool?[/quote] She turned back around to the pool at his mention of water and hobbled towards it, when she reached it's edge she fell on her knees and dipped her hands into the pool, she brought the water up to her lips, it was incredibly refreshing and sweet. Hania could feel it giving an edge to her focus. It was then that she saw the black eel-like creature circling at the bottom of the pool, she pulled back from it's edge quickly, "Wh- what's that?!" she said, pointing down into the pool.