Malcolm wandered over to the others slowly and lazily, trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes. "So, how's everyone doing?" he said, clearly not particularly interested in the lives of everyone around him -- he just didn't want to feel left out. "Oh, is this some sort of 'comparing sizes' thing?" He grinned slightly at the other powers he had been not-so-subtly eavesdropping on. They were all so... interesting. The more 'freaks' they put in the one place, the easier it would be to work together to get out of the damn prison. "If anyone cares, mine is totally rad." Malcolm said, wishing that he weren't handcuffed so he could tap his nose secretively. In truth, it was practically impossible to explain it. '[i]Hey, man, my mind can disconnect from my body[/i],' just didn't seem to cut it.