All done! [hider=Merry] [u]Name:[/u] Marilyn “Merry” Evans [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Age:[/u] Seventeen [u]Appearance:[/u] [img][/img] [u]Rank:[/u] Private [u]Class:[/u] Engineer. [u]Weapons and Equipment:[/u] A basic Gallian-2 Rifle, a standard weapon for any Engineer, and a Viper-E-1 Pistol. Merry does not carry grenades or any form of explosive on her, as explosions scare her. For equipment she carries engineer tools and ragnaid canisters for healing allies. [u]Personality:[/u] Merry is one of those people with a complete "can do" attitude. She tries her hardest in everything she does, and tries her hardest to keep her teammates positive too. This positivity can come off as clingy annoyance to people who don't like constant interaction. She can also come off as childish or innocent, but she is far from this. Merry has a rather complex past, one she doesn't often share with others, that shapes her into a rather complex person. Merry has a very youthful personality and an optimistic outlook to life and adventure. She can be quite reckless in a sort of 'charge ahead first, think later' sort of way. Despite this she loves being given orders as it takes the pressure off her her needing to make a plan. Merry will sometimes get stir crazy when being forced to sit still for long periods of time but normally she'll go about everything with a cool approach. She sometimes struggles to be affectionate and outwardly emotional however she manages to controls fear/sadness/clinging emotions. Under stress Merry will either, yell and angry get though it or lock up and be unable to continue. Despite this Merry is an extremely hard worker and loves her work. So much so that she would rather sleep in her mechanic garage then her room. She often has trouble sleeping if she is not surrounded by her work, and no one likes a sleep deprived mechanic on her third cup of coffee. [u]Bio:[/u] Merry grew up in the cold, and often unforgivable, Diebal Mountains. She lived in a small village of Wooly Goat herders, mostly made up of family members and a few stray Darcsen who wanted to get away from the mining. Merry grew up surrounded by people who cared greatly for her, as children often died early in their lives due to the cold, and thus is greatly comforted by being around people. There was no official school system up in the mountains, so Merry got all of her necessary schooling from an elderly Darcsen. She was taught how to hunt and shoot by her mother and aunt, a custom in the mountains, and gained her love for tinkering with machines at a young age from her father and older brother. Ever since she was young Merry was always itching to take stuff apart and put it back together, which often lead to a lot of broken machines when she was still learning. Life in the Diebal mountains were often harsh, since there is snow on the ground all year. This has lead to Merry becoming very hardy. She doesn't seem at all phased by the cold and years with little food due to famine adapted Merry into rarely needing big meals. But when she is offered an abundance of food she can't help but want to eat all of it, as if not knowing when her next meal will be. This also means that extremely hot temperatures makes her uncomfortable and she is often found complaining if it is even considered slightly warm. Regardless of the cold, life in the cold mountains was peaceful. The small villages rarely had any visitors, except for the rare trader, and the only dangers seemed to come from wild animals and the possibility of supply shortages. The populations of the villagers were also rather small, meaning everyone knew everyone. There was no time to dislike each other, as everyone needed to work together to survive. Merry, because of her young and quick body, worked as a mail deliverer between each of the small villagers. Once, while delivering a stock of rations to a group of Darcsens, an explosion went off in a nearby mine. Merry was easily overpowered by the falling snow, but was rescued by the group of Darcsen she was delivering to. And although no one was killed by the blast Merry remains jumpy around explosives. [u]RP Sample:[/u] The small log cabin was already a buzz with energy. The sun had just peaked over the lowest mountain tops, signaling the beginning of the day for the family. The eldest siblings of the family had already gone about and woken up the youngest siblings, who hobbled out of their cots, rubbing the sleep from their eyes. Merry's mother and older sister had begun lighting a fire for breakfast, a meal large enough to fill a family of well over ten people. Merry happily helped the eldest members of the family to the table, her grandparents and an elderly Darcsen who had been crippled in a mine explosion. Meanwhile her older brother helped corral the now overly awake children into their wooden chairs. As Merry and the men of the family took their seats, her mother and aunt began to pass around plates of food. Starting with the oldest and youngest members and ending with the men. Even before digging in Merry was salivating, her empty stomach turning with anticipation. Her mother said that breakfast was the most important meal of the day, it would fuel your entire day if you fill the tank right. And man did the tank feel full. Merry hadn't shied away from filling her plate, once she was sure everyone else had their full. Warm breads, thick cuts of meat, and eggs shimmering in grease. Everything that Merry had asked for in her birthday breakfast. Merry turned seventeen today, she was practically an adult. Her mother even let her have her first cup of coffee today, as before she was scared that it would stop Merry's growth. The smell of coffee had always intrigued Merry, it smelt strangely enticing. Sadly, Merry found herself extremely disappointed in the bitter taste of the coffee, and with a frown slid it across the table to her father. The older man laughed, the sound deep and rumbling, as he stirred in a spoonful of sugar and cream. Two extremely expensive and luxurious products up in the mountain. Merry decided, even if the coffee still wasn't to her liking, that she would finish the drink. After awhile the youth found that she was enjoying the warmth of the drink. As she looked out at the window at the brewing storm she couldn't help but think that there was no better place in the entire world. [u]Other:[/u] Montley Leonard is my all time favorite. [/hider]