[center][img]http://i.gyazo.com/5c2fa973e5fc7fe5508713d2e7a8d6a6.png[/img] [i]2034 - The first interstellar human exploration ship leaves Sol. 2040 - First contact with an Alien race. 2118 - The Alliance is officially formed, as dozens of alien races join. 2119 - The Alliance enters a golden age of science, exploration and understanding. 2185- The Alliance makes first contact with The Thresh Empire. 2187 - War breaks out as diplomacy fails. 2192 - Earth is under siege.[/i][/center] This is a Space-Combat RP with a very heroic tone to it. With the rise of more Space Sim games, like Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen, I got this idea of an RP where we play as ship Captains. You choose your ship type, flesh it out with crew, weaponry, and all that sort of stuff. We also need one Admiral, to command the Fleet, mostly directing where the next battle will be. The Admiral will also be the Co-GM of sorts. The very rough version of this story is that Humanity finally started to explore space, setting up colonies, and making alliances with various alien species. Very Star-Trek-esque beginning. Until Humanity met a race that could not be reasoned with, war broke out and the Alliance that the humans established is so far losing the war. Our RP starts several years into the war, with the enemy currently invading one of the cornerstones of the Alliance, the Sol System. This is where we push them back. --- [b]Lore[/b] [hider=Common Ship Types] >>Note that these are mostly just suggestions. If you wish to command a vessel not listed, go ahead and make your ship that class.<< Dreadnought - The Dreadnought is a massive ship, typically 1-2 Kilometers long, with a crew numbering at least two to three thousand, and sometimes used as a Flagship in a fleet. The DN, in sublight speeds, is amongst the slowest in the entire Alliance navy. Due to its sheer mass and inertia, it’s often difficult to pull complex maneuvers in this type of vessel. However, due to it’s sheer amount of guns and armor, a common tactic is to just park it in front of an opposing fleet and have a slugfest, throwing heavy hits and receiving heavy hits, tying down the opposing fleet, and allowing more maneuverable vessels to flank around. DN’s are a type of ship that has not been developed in a long time, many DN’s currently in service are very old, from an age of war long ago, refitted with modern technology. Recently, Alliance shipyards have relearned how to recreate these massive vessels, and have only made a few so far. Most Dreadnoughts contain hangers. Battleship - A type of ship that has not been constructed in a long time. Most Battleships in service today were originally classified as Heavy Cruisers, filling the roles of exploration ships. However, they have been gutted and refitted with more weapons, more armor, and more shielding. Like the tremendous Dreadnought, Alliance Shipyards have relearned how to make proper Battleships, and several has already been constructed, and are in service. Although usually constructed with long range, anti-capital ship weaponry in mind, variations do exist. Many Battleships contain a hanger. Typical crew sizes range from 800-1,200 people. Carrier - The Carrier was brought back thanks to an Alliance insectoid race, in the form of space-hives. Then the Carrier was reintroduced to the Alliance Navy thanks to Humanity, although some were hesitant to allow the production of a dedicated Carrier, since most Cruisers had hangers, they eventually allowed it due to continuous pressure from the Humans. Carriers can range from smaller sizes to larger sizes, so there is no 'typical' crew size. Cruiser - The most common ship prior to the war. Many variations exist. Light Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Exploration Cruisers, Science Cruisers, Medical Cruisers. Thanks to the war, more militarized versions exist now as well, such as Battlecruisers, Missile Cruisers, Railgun Cruisers, to name a few. The Cruiser is the backbone of the Alliance Navy, with many Cruisers having their own shuttlebay, doubling as a hanger. Typical cruiser crew sizes can range from the 400-800's. Destroyer - Destroyers are less common than Cruisers, the age of the Destroyers was fading, as technology allowed faster, lighter Cruisers to be built. However, since the beginning of the war, retrofitted and refitted Destroyers have found a new purpose, in wolfpacks. Small teams of multiple Destroyers would be deployed as escorts, or as a wolfpack, hounding cut off enemy vessels and destroying them. Typical crew sizes can range from 100-400's. Frigate - Although Frigates had a small role in the Alliance Navy before the war, they are now used as escorts. Boasting the most powerful engines in the Navy, they can get in, scan a location, and get out before anyone can get within weapons range. Typical crew sizes can range from 50-100. Bomber - A large, multicrew ‘bomber’. Harkening back to the bombers of WW2, the crew of a bomber would likely consist of a pilot, bombardier, navigator, and several gunners. Fighterbomber - Fighterbombers are smaller than normal Bombers, and only consist of a pilot and navigator/copilot. As a result, they carry a smaller load, but are maneuverable enough to fly without an escort. Interceptor - Interceptors are extremely fast, extremely maneuverable, often single seat fighters designed to take out other Interceptors, Fighterbombers, or bombers. [/hider] [hider=Common Ship Weapons] >>Note that these are mostly just suggestions. If you wish to use a weapon not listed, go ahead and give your ship that weapon.<< Particle Beam - Both jokingly and affectionately called Phasers, these weapons have the best power expended-to-damage inflicted ratio. Although the damage isn’t tremendous, it’s often enough to disable or severely cripple enemy ship systems. A skilled gunner could target fuel tanks, or munition stores to cause secondary explosions, taking down an enemy ship in less hits. Particle Beam emitters are often laid out in a strip, allowing a single strip to cover a large arc of the ship, and be able to fire from different points from the strip. Particle Beams are both capable anti-ship and point-defense weapons. Laser - Lasers are a weapon of extremes. It is either low-powered, and thus used as point-defense, or high-powered, used as large lance like weapons. Medium sized lasers are not used as much, as Particle Beams fill this role pretty well. Kinetic - Kinetics cover a very large variety of weaponry. From small caliber flak, working as point defense, to larger caliber anti-ship weaponry, to massive anti-Capital Ship railguns. Torpedo - Torpedoes are a popular way of delivering a highly destructive payload to the enemy ship. Torpedoes are often fired out of torpedo tubes, and are somewhat tracking. Although they don’t have the maneuverability to hit smaller targets like fast Frigates, or small craft. Different kinds of Torpedoes do exist, although standard issue torpedoes are the most common. Missile - Missiles are similar to Torpedoes, but typically carry a smaller warhead and are much more agile. Allowing them to track and destroy smaller ships that would normally out-fly a torpedo. [/hider] [hider=Common Ship Technologies] >>Note that these are mostly just suggestions. If you wish to use a technology not listed, go ahead and give your ship that technology.<< Replicators - An advancement of 3D printers, Replicators use some advanced technology mumbo jumbo to create anything from food, to water, to building material. Making scarcity a non-issue, as long as there’s power fed into the Replicators. However, the natural equivalent of said things are always slightly better, in most peoples opinions. Such as food. Transporters - Transporters are a relatively new, relatively safe technology, where it’s basically teleporting. The Transporters have a limited range, and some don’t trust Transporters. So most ships carry shuttles. Transporters are useful for emergency extractions, moving large cargo, and stuff like that. AI Technology - Many ships come with some sort of AI, some play a more active role, others don’t. The AI is primarily used for calculations, that sort of thing. FTL Drive - There are many types of FTL drive. Such as the Warp Drive, Hyperspace Drive, and more. All are similar, and have slightly different variations to each other. Sublight Engines - Like FTL technology, there are many types of sublight engines available. Such as the Ion Engines, or Impulse Engines. And like the FTL Drives, they are all similar, with slightly different variations. Shielding - No need to explain. Radar Systems - No need to explain. Experimental Systems - Quantum technology, Dark Matter/Dark Energy technology, stuff like that. [/hider] [hider=Races of The Alliance] [u]Human[/u] COMING SOON [u]Ansulian[/u] Possessing a physiology similar to that of amphibians, Ansulians are adept at both low light vision and swimming. Most stand at an average of 1.8 meters, have either smooth green or brown skin, and large pink eyes with lids that are seldom used. They're capable of breathing both in and out of water and face little difficult with functioning on land. Their most notable feature is likely their head-tresses, which grant them exceptional olfactory and pheromone-sensing skills. These tendrils are used to detect the emotional state of another being, and are most effective underwater. Within Ansulian culture, the ability to sense pheromone changes is an essential part of the communication process. All Ansulians have fourteen sensory tentacles and multiple hearts, which are capable of beating separately. Like their sense of smell, Nautolan language is also maximized for use underwater and not fully pronounceable in a gaseous atmosphere. Because of this loss in linguistic detail, most Ansulians rarely speak when traveling outside of their home-world. In addition, Ansulians often use communicative cues when submerged, such as reading the swirls in other Ansulians' large eyes. Little is known about Ansulian culture, as few Ansulians leave their home planet due to its remote location. However, their music is often found amongst savvy music collectors, which is solely composed of sustained notes held in irregular patterns with occasional pauses. These pauses were considered the most important part of the music to the Ansulians, causing non-Ansulian listeners to misunderstand their artistic intent. [u]Etisa[/u] The people of the planet Metix are descended from birds. Despite standing at 2 meters tall, and having no wings, much to their dismay, they are a rather fragile species. They have several hollow bones in their body, and low muscle mass. Regardless they are capable warriors, and almost all of them are natural pilots. They are also often sensitive to certain matters pertaining to their lineage. Such as, their wings. They have none, even though they are an avian race. The Etisa are a warrior-race, their homeplanet was very mountainous and had few flatlands. They evolved on these flatlands, losing their wings as they didn’t need them anymore. Eventually, as their number grew, they were forced to live on more steep lands. Because of the sparse amount of flatland, wars over territory and accessible resources were very common. They only got to a Medieval age state of technology before being thrust into the galactic community. While normally the Alliance would wait until a race reaches basic FTL before contacting them, the Alliance was forced to step in when a Thresh armada began to invade Metix. The smaller Alliance fleet was only able to evacuate a couple thousand before being forced back. While most of the survivors are looking for a new colony to rebuild their race from, a great number of Etisa swore loyalty to the Alliance, to fight against the Thresh. Although only a few was accepted, the rest was told to ensure the survival of their race and culture. The fate of the rest of the Etisa people is unknown. [/hider] --- [b]Briefing[/b] [hider=Enemy Intel] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/294/7/e/space_battle_by_vampiredghost-d6ra1os.png[/img] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/097/6/4/alien_spaceships_by_peterprime-d60rxhe.png[/img] Not much is known about the Thresh Empire, or even the Thresh People. Nobody in the Alliance has seen a Thresh. They use a tremendous amount of slaves of varying race in their ground military. What we do know is that the Tresh warships are a mix of metal and biomatter. It appears that they lay out a skeleton made of a metallic alloy, then grow the ship around that skeleton. Their weapons fire bioplasma, most commonly fired as bolts. Although beams and large spheres have been seen in combat. It's difficult to identify Thresh ships by our type of ship classification, as most ships are unique in varying ways. However, most people have settled on calling them "Light", "Medium", or "Heavy", class ships. Other types include "Very Light" and "Very Heavy".[/hider] [b]Assets[/b] [hider=Skyeye]Skyeye is a mysterious figure. Or multiple mysterious figures. Nobody honestly knows, but for the purposes of this briefing we're assuming he's male. Skyeye is at the top of Alliance Intelligence, one of their top Operatives. Or he might not, again, nobody really knows. But we're assuming he's Alliance Intelligence since he's helping us. The shady bastards. He seems to take an interest in particularly gifted people and provide them with on the spot intel and assistance. Since nobody has actually seen him, we have no idea how he gets this intel, and how he provides this assistance. He's been reported to have been in vastly different parts of Alliance territory, even in the vast unexplored regions of space. He is just as mysterious as the Thresh we're fighting. [/hider] [b]Current Operation[/b] [hider=>>EARTH SIEGE<<] Location - Earth Current Status - Under Siege // +7 Hours Objectives >Defend Gaia Station >Re-establish contact with the Moon. >Rescue Marines and trapped civilians. >Fight back the Thresh Armada [/hider] [hider=Current Map] [img]http://i.gyazo.com/c6372e9f49647025da49545404033a44.png[/img][/hider] --- [b]Character Sheets[/b] [hider=>>Character Sheet<<] Note that personality is something we will explore in-RP. Do not include this in the Character Sheet. Name: Age: Race: Rank: (Mostly everyone will be a Captain. If you wish to make another sheet for important crew members in your ship, that is also acceptable.) Skills: (If you want to list specific skills.) Away Mission Equipment: (If your character will ever get off the ship on an 'away' mission, on a hostile world.) Appearance: Quick-Bio: (This is a quick bio. A paragraph is acceptable)[/hider] [hider=>>Ship Sheet<<] Ship Designation: (Most prefixes will be ANS, Alliance Navy Ship. Ship Registry: (Normal ships will have the NS prefix, Experimental ships will have the NX prefix. Typically ship registry numbers are in the thousands. Ship Class: Ship Size: (Length size is enough. Gives me a better idea of how to picture the vessel.) Ship Crew: (The typical amount of crewmen.) Ship Weapons: Other: (The other things about the ship. Such as experimental technologies, etc.) Ship Appearance:[/hider] [hider=>>Hanger Ship Sheet<<] These are for your shuttles and fighters in your shuttle bay, if you wish to have stuff in your shuttle. Ship Designation: (Sometimes just called Shuttle 1, Shuttle 2, etc. If you want to give it a special name, you can.) Ship Class: Ship Crew: Ship Weapons: Other: Ship Appearance:[/hider] [b]Roster[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2171595]LokiLeo789 >> Admiral Otto Gralius in command of the Fleet, and the ANS Bermuda, Dreadnought[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2176547]Tearstone >> Captain Alexandra LeFores in command of the ANS Typhoon, Delphi Class Battleship[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2181029]Stitchblades >> Captain Derrick Cole in command of the ANS Yellowstone, Infinity Class Carrier[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2183633]Skyrte >> Captain Zaxei Kavaris in command of the ANS Spirit of Water, Nautica-Class Retrofit, Heavy Cruiser[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2179725]Brink_ >> Captain Natshuk T'Zakiel in command of the ANS Orpheus, Cruiser[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2181718]Flamelord >> Captain Alexander Dane in command of the ANS Mittnick, Cruiser[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2185435]AngelNoire >> Captain Null Valorian in command of the ANS-CA Penumbra, Frigate (Custom Retrofit)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2172755]Marcus XVI >> Captain Maximilien "Wolf" Calter in command of the ANS Fenris, Destroyer[/url] [center]>>Important!<< We're always open! You can change your sheet as much as you want before the IC opens, as long as you tell us in the OOC! When the IC Starts, you can change stuff on your ship, just ask the Admiral, or the GM, and the changes will take effect in the time between Operations! [/center]