All the moving made Theodora a little motion sick, but she was still struck by the beauty and the abilities Azazel possed. When they stopped, she had to lean over and let her stomach stop churrning before she could speak. "That was amazing...." She looked over Azazel's shoulder and out a window to see the clock tower they had been in a moment before. She was about to answer his question when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She glanced over her shoulder. "Wait... something feels wrong..." She turned in circles. "Where are the other students? Where are the teachers?" Theodora gave Azazel a questioning look then motioned with her head, "Come on. We have to find the others." She started walking fast down the hallway, peeking into doors looking for the group that had left the classroom earlier. She found them exiting the library with what appeared to be old books in their hands. "Why do you antique books? And why do all of you look so worried?"