[i]Sunday 8:53 PM 24 April 2014 Supernatural Studies Club[/i] "Noone joined at all?!” Hysterical laughter echoed from within the supernatural studies club. The source of the obnoxious laughter was a certain red haired adolescent. He had popped by the infamous club out of boredom only to find out the predicament it was in. “Ha ha… Eh? Oi oi oi! If that’s the case why the heck do you have such a carefree look on you, Miya?” “Mmmm…” The blonde president was ignoring the impudent intruder, she had more important things to attend to than to entertain simpletons. Yes, the PSP she held took priority. TAP TAP TAP TAP. Her fingers mashed in commands and frightening speed and she continued in a trance for an entire minute before slaying the Deviljho and returning to reality. Miyazono Natsu raised her head to look at the intruder. Hisashi Gunha, one of the academy's nine S rank students, also possessor the ability of «Strength». Since he was patiently waiting for her to respond, Natsu decided to humour him. "Look here, Gunha-san. Although the students generally have a bad impression of the club, its not as if I received zero club applications. I simply rejected them." Natsu was very particular regarding the supernatural studies club; she would not accept just anyone. Among the 23 applicants, there was not one who had met her standards. Gunha gave a puzzled face. In response, she sighed and pushed out a checkered folder. Gunha flipped it through quizzically before leaking a grin. "These are quite the interesting bunch that you've set on sights on." --- [i]Monday 7:15 AM 25 April 2014 Yokohama Port[/i] Furuta Hiiro was originally skeptical of Zandore's Boarding School - people tended to exaggerate after all - but now all he could do was stare dumbfounded at the super yacht that lay before him. Sure, it wasn't as if he was expecting some run down boat but this?! "Excuse me, are you perhaps Furuta-sama?" It was a butler. A middle-aged butler had manifested beside him while he was taking in the moment. The moment he responded, Hiiro was gently ushered into the super yacht. The butler made small talk as he brought Hiiro to the conference room. Initially Hiiro had been taken aback but the butler's warm tone settled him down quickly. Once he had regained his composure, asked numerous questions regarding the academy. Once he was done, the butler gave his farewells as he returned to the deck of the ship, probably to escort others in. Hiiro was impressed. Zandore's Boarding Academy was more than just a school. It was a town. There are shops, restaurants, and entertainment to be had along with the dozens of other structures. The butler described the school grounds in a way that made it sound like it went on forever and Hiiro doubted it was an exaggeration. "Looks like I've joined one hell of a place, oba-san..." Hiiro smirked to himself as he stared out of the window. But still, why was he the only one in the conference room? He wasn't that early... was he?