[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spzIHw7QCLk]Genesis:[/url] [b]7:15 AM - 25 April 2014[/b] A bright beginning, a sunny morning, a calming drive through the bay-side. As the taxi weaved it way through the winding roads, in its aft portion was a young man, nearing the brink of adulthood. Though, aesthetically, he could easily pass by as a highschool student who’s crawling midway through pubescence. But Kanzen had already had his share of growth spurts, voice cracks, and acne breakouts; so what was now presented to the public was the final product. And that resulted in a person above average height-wise, vastly underweight and anatomically declined, making him look like a slightly buffed up twig. Most of his muscular definition resided in his shoulders, and pectorals, developments which are essential to his role in life. Such an assignment in reality is that of a marksman, one who has befriended and mastered the use of ballistic armaments. Unfortunately, the academy looked down upon lugging around a rifle in between classes, even though his courses were combat oriented, it was still a scholastic institution in its most simplistic form. To accommodate for such a hindrance, he was authorized to bear a sidearm- unloaded of course, but regardless, it was still something morally tangible. He had grown used to having his fingers instinctively wrapped around the ergonomic grip of a firearm, it was considered second hand nature by this point. The student fiddled with his tie as he attempted to ease it into a comfortable tightness. Even though he was accustomed to wearing a school uniform, he hadn’t done so for the duration of break. It’s hard to get back into a groove after falling out of it. The beige jacket fit perfectly around his narrow composure, complementing his figure nicely. And the pants? Well, they were decent, but must be hell to wear in the midst of summer. With a quick glance downwards, his eyes rested on the holster strapped to his thigh. Fastened firmly in the utility was a small handgun, crafted out of a carbonic finish. Its trio of photoluminescent dots built into the iron sights shined brightly at Kanzen, as if it was tempting him to wield it with the greatest finesse. Hopefully he could go for some recuperation at the academy’s firing range. Speaking of the institution he recently enrolled in, the cab was pulling up to Yokohama’s port. Forced to temporarily derail his train of thought, the young man opened his own door and quickly paid the man. [i]”Time is of the essence.”[/i] Was all he thought as he lifted his suitcase out of the trunk. He wished to not impose on the taxi driver more than he already did, and planted the case on its wheels. Moving in a fluent cognitive motion, he proceeded towards the dock, but was suddenly confronted by a middle-aged man, dressed up in formal drab. “Excuse me, are you by chance Tadashi-sama?” The man asked while cocking his head, holding out an open hand towards the grip of Kanzen’s luggage. [i]”A butler, hm? Haven’t seen many of these, nor have I been personally treated by one. He’s polite.”[/i] Not only did the man speak with kindness and sincerity, but he actually seemed to enjoy his job. Good for him. With a silent nod, the young man only parted enough hair to expose one of his eyes. Eye contact was very important in formal matters. Well, his father taught him that, at the least. Without a moment to lose, the butler took Kanzen’s luggage and lead the new student into their form of transport. In all honesty, he wasn’t surprised when they finally stopped before a grandiose yacht, fit to serve a deity. If he was given more time, he would have gladly basked in the glory of the vessel. But the young man was ushered on-deck and was requested to follow behind. No words were exchanged between the two, all Kanzen did during the duration of their short trek was peer at the floor through the curtain of his hair. Soon enough, they arrived at a portion of the ship dedicated as a meeting room. His belongings were to be taken below deck, but he insisted on keeping his firearm where it was currently secured. Upon entering the room, he autonomously scanned the contents of the room. All it consisted of was a few windows, and a young blonde man who had preceded him. With a succinct, [b][i]”Hello.”[/i][/b] and a nod of greeting, Kanzen chose his own spot within the conference area. Now all that was left to do was to bide time while the other students strolled in.