[quote=Descartes] But Vita, he can't even be comedy relief?What would KLK be without Mako? [/quote] As much as I love Kill la Kill and Mako, this isn't Kill la Kill. ... Also I think this character is even too silly for Kill la Kill. [quote=Professor_Wyvern] Well, I am still interested in this. But anyway, if I may politely inquire, would you be so kind as to inform me -why- exactly this character doesn't work for this RP? Just that statement alone, doesn't help me in accessing why the character would not work, and what characters -would- work in this RP, and I would like to know the reasoning behind it. [/quote] Well... the concept of a giant gorilla with eye lasers is really, really, really goofy. In some things it might work, but the comedy in this is more slapstick or character-based then simply by absurdity. I'd recommend taking a look at previously-posted characters and their quirks if you want to get a good idea of what we're looking for.