Red gave Luciana a nod and followed behind her toward the newcomers. He maintained a distance, not really certain if he wanted to mingle. When he had arrived, a similar process had occurred. Though, he ignored all the friendly greetings, preoccupied on the voices in his head. The cuffs were loose on him at the time and did not do much to maintain his ability. He has since grown accustomed to the place its residence though he had not made any prior efforts to socialize. The opportunity was available to him now but still he was hesitant. It’d been some time since he had a real casual conversation with a living being. Instead, Red simply stood back and listened in on the ongoing conversations of his peers. Hearing their capabilities astounded him. Many of them were more bizarre than his ability. The new kid who had grown a completely new limb amazed him. He couldn’t explain how that was possible, much like he couldn’t explain how his ability was possible. The insecurity of harboring such a power felt less of a weight on his chest as the realization that he wasn’t alone dawned on him. Their situations may vary but they all had something unique they could do. Something many people found hard to accept, as it turns out. Even with that common ground, Red felt different from the rest. Their ability kept them san; and he sane, too, for the most part. From outside eyes, however, Red would seem like a complete nutcase. To be shunned by the shunned would make his personal living hell feel like a walk in the park. For now, perhaps it was best to keep his ability to himself. A quick movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Red turned in direction of the commotion in alert, see the girl close to him, the other newcomer, fall to the ground. Shocked as to what transpired, Red walked over to her as she got to her feet. As he approached her he noticed the tall figure standing beside them. One of the guards was staring at the girl with a smug expression, patting a baton against his palm. Red narrowed his eyes at the man in disgust and turned his gaze to the girl. A mark on her face indicated the impact. It seemed like a fairly hard hit, enough to draw blood surely. She didn’t seem fazed by the assault. “Are you alright?” he felt inclined to ask. Emotionally she appeared just fine, but physically it was clear she was injured. Glancing down at her bound wrist, Red noticed dark bruises forming where her skin rubbed against the cuffs. He reached for her wrist slowly, not sure if she was alright with this action. He lifted her wrist slightly to get a better look, hoping the movement didn’t cause any additional pain. “That looks pretty bad,” he stated. He could hear the guard snicker behind him. Red rolled his eyes and let out a huff in annoyance. He pulled his hands back and straightened up. “I’m sorry. It’s not my place to do that.” He knew that a lot of the people in this facility felt very keen on maintaining their personal space. It was just an instinct. Something he would have done if she were any other person who didn’t have a reason to distrust someone on the spot. He smiled up at her and a short laugh escaped him. “Is your ability not to give a shit?” he asked jokingly.