The Happy Mask Salesman chuckled as the woman talked about her strange appearance. He thought, considering her differences, she was still pretty. She was friendly too. Though, he was not entirely sure she had invited him along to be personable. However, he thought this would be a great way to learn a thing or two. "Why of course!" He smiled big again. "It would be utterly rude to refuse." He hopped off the barrel he'd been sitting on and adjusted his pack." He came to stand next to Midna, not wanting to stand between the two, but wanting to be sure to get some conversation with the woman. He pulled the blanket off of his pack as he stepped under the shelter of their covering and pulled a hand painted sign out that read [i]Handmade masks: 10 to 50 rupees![/i] and slung it over his shoulder. "I know everything about this city. I've been here my whole life. Plus! I've been operating my business for almost as long." He was trying to buy some interest. "I started mask-making when I was a child. They had always fascinated me." He chuckled. "Oh! I wanted to say! I found your little speech rather intriguing. However did you catch that tomato?"