"Thanks, Doc. You too." And Travis couldn't help a crooked grin as he walked back towards the ambulance bay. It was rare enough that the attending physicians, particularly on overnights ,were that friendly. Most wanted either play by play accounts of exactly what they done on the run, or would throw a fit that a nurse couldn't sign off on the forms. It was normally a nightmare trying to get signed off and out- and he didn't blame Josh for running while he could- but this one was...a nice change. And he was cute. Travis was shallow enough to hope that their shifts would overlap at least a few times, on that fact alone. -- But the next night, fate seemed determined to teach him the danger of hoping. He'd barely signed in, getting shift report from the afternoon EMTs, when his radio had gone off. "Squad 11, squad 9. Report to the third block of Fifth street, intersection road Waldorff. Rendaveux with Patrol Car 4487, possible domestic distrubance, mutliple injuries." "10-4 Dispatch." He'd exchanged a glance with Josh, rueful and worried all at once. Domestics were the worse. No one ever really knew what they were getting into, and things could go south very quickly. It was required for all calls to have at least one police officer present, should the worst case scenario come to pass. Which was a relief. But they still took precations, and that run it served them well. When the wife of the man who'd been found with the 'younger model' found out that she wouldn't be able to press assault charges without being charged herself, she'd thrown caution to the wind and gone for the frying pan. But the trajectory was, unfortunately, drawn on an angle which met the back on an unsuspecting EMT's head rather then her hapless husband's. Which was how Travis found himself- for a second night in a row- sitting in the ambulance bay of Boston General waiting for an attending. But this time Josh was snickering and helping him hold a gauze compress to the sluggishly bleeding gash on the back of his head, and trying-in vain- to be supportive. "I mean, I guess it could have been worse. At least she didn't go for the knife block. You'd have a much worse head ache then than now." "You're gonna have a headache in a minute if you don't shut your damn mouth. Why are we even here?" "Cap wants you checked out and signed off on one way or another before we go active again. Concussions and all that jazz. Just be patient, and you'll get a lollipop when you're done."