[quote=Redwing] Ah so that's the kind of GM we're dealing with. The kind that wants nothing but sunshine and rainbows in the OOC.Sorry dude, but I'm literally KNOW on this website for not being afraid to get mean.It also may or may be that time of the month. So yeah, hormones. [/quote] I completely understand that and that everything may not be rainbows and sunshine, but that doesn't mean I can't try. I'm not afraid to get mean either. I hope no one is that way they can defend themselves. But that's not what this is about. I don't want anyone to HAVE to defend themselves. If that means saying something about a comment, then so be it. if it means something else, then it means something else. I just want to roleplay and I don't want to lose anyone because someone said something. So please, everyone, for my sake, be nice. Please. I beg of you. [quote=Prince of Seraphs] Alright I'm just going to see if I can get this straight, So we're in a new Hyrule sometime after all of the games were the Geography resembles something between Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.Ganondorf, Zelda and Link are all new incarnations not seen in any previous games but bearing all of the trademarks of there character.Happy Mask Salesman is due to the passing of time a new character but has essentially the same backstory and mannerisms as the one we all know and love (unless of course the Mask Salesman is immortal which I wouldn't put past him)Fi is the eternal spirit of the sword which has been there since the beginning.Male Sheik is a new Sheik, bastard brother of Zelda whom most regard as her body guard much as Impa was to the previous Queen.Mikau is the Zora Guitarist from Hyrule rather than TerminaMidna and Zant are both differnt Twili who share the names and mannerisms of those that came before.Groose, is... I'm not really sure about that one.And of course Navi my own character is the one from Ocarina of Time, several hundred years old and much wiser (and less annoying).Did I get that all right? [/quote] Seems accurate. I didn't think about the immortal possibility for the Happy Mask Salesman, but I think I'll avoid that since we already have Fi and Navi, who may or may not be immortal, but definitely older than most of the other characters and the rebirth of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf. I think Happy, will be another generation in a long line of entertainers or something like that. You know, to keep him different, but somewhat the same? --- On another note, mostly off topic, I need to turn in for the night...... Or should I say morning? *laughs* I should be up and on in the next 8 hours. Goodnight all!