Sheik agreed with his sister completely. Though the duties of royalty was difficult, there was still the matter of easing the hearts of the people. All they knew about castle life was that, they lived in a castle. People automatically assumed royalty lived easy laid back lives. Ruling a kingdom was a lot of work, especially for one as young as Zelda. The Sheikah waited patiently as his sister stepped into her wardrobe to change. When she came out she seemed to be thinking about something. Then began to use magic to disguise herself. Again, Sheik agreed with her there. If the unease she had been feeling was real, it would be best to hide who she was for a little while. But having Sheikah warrior with her would give her away instantly. So as his sister changed her hair and eye color, Sheik made some changes too. He removed the cowl and turban from his face and head, letting his long blonde hair fall free in its normal neat braid. He also removed the tabard bearing the symbol of the Sheikah. Leaving him in something more than his exoskeleton. He felt rather naked without something covering his face. But at least he had his weapons still. A dagger hidden in the bandages around each wrist, another strapped to the outside of each thigh, and one more on his lower back. Pouches next to the daggers on his thighs held a collection of throwing needles and a few Deku Nuts which could be used to stun one or more people with a blinding flash of light. Sheik met his sister's grin with one of his own. He had to admit, breaking the rules was fun sometimes. And it had been a while since they had the chance to anything like this. "As you wish." He said in a playful tone, before leading the way out of the room. A few twists and turns through various corridors got to the two to their destination. And old hidden passageway out of the castle that the royal family once used to escape in times of trouble. It was no longer used due to the fact that the ceiling was unstable. But it had been secretly repaired by a group of Sheikah to use. It looked like just a normal wall, but there was a section that could be pulled out. Which Sheik did now. "After you, Zelda." Sheik said, motioning to the passageway. --- Fi was going to return to sword form as they approached Castle Town, but after a prompt from Link, stayed in her true form. "That is one theory yes. The Triforce may give you your abilities. Another is that due to the fact that your are a hero in a line of heroes, you have some of the skills the other Links possessed. Though we will never know what is the true theory unless the Goddesses decide to tell us." They entered an inn and found a table. Fi took a seat next to Link. Politely declining when a waitress asked if she wanted anything. Her body didn't require anything to sustain it. A fairy staggered though the inn, a very familiar fairy. She didn't seem to be doing well. Probably having used up her energy. Navi collapsed to her knees and muttered Link's name. Normally Fi would have introduced the hero and the fairy, but now didn't seem like the right time. So instead she rose from her seat and then knelt down beside the fairy. Placing one her cape-like hands on the fairy's shoulder, she let her holy energy flow into the fairy. It most definitely be able to sustain Navi, it was the closest thing to the Goddesses own power.