Link got up walking over to the blue women worriedly, he had heard say something but had been unable to make it out due to the noise in the tavern, he gently picked her up and sat her in one of the chairs at his table. He was cautious and a few people gave him looks but otherwise they seemed not to care about the strange women. Link looked at her something seemed familiar but he couldn't quite recall it, never the less he payed for a meal and began to eat quietly watching Fi heal the poor women. Deciding to speak to Fi after a few moments "So Fi, any idea where I should go to try and find out more on whatever quest I'm supposed to do for the goddesses?" He had been thinking about that a lot, he knew from what Fi had said and the mark on his hand he had to be the bearer of a piece of the Tri-force, sighing he decided to wait here in castle town until news reached his ears or until he could find something that needed doing.