[b]7:20 AM – 25 April 2014[/b] [i]Am I in the right place?[/i] Gabriel thought as he stopped for a second. [i]There’s no way I am.[/i] He thought. He reached into his pockets trying to find the sheet of paper he’d written the address on. Patting himself down, he found his handheld psychology book, a notepad and pen he’d packed for observations, his emergency blood vial and syringe and finally the tiny sheet of paper he’d written the address of the transportation he was taking to go to Zandore’s Boarding Academy. [i]I am in the right place.[/i] He confirmed, reading the note he’d scribbled down. [i]Am I supposed to get on that?[/i] He assumed that the transportation he was taking was the gigantic super yacht at the dock. He’d heard the academy had a castle as part of their dormitories, but to have a super yacht picking up students was just as farfetched. Even so, he didn’t want to go on another taxi to confirm. He’d gotten some weird looks from the driver and he didn’t want to make people more curious. Then again, that was a little difficult because of his condition. He had a disease which was commonly referred to as Vampire Disease. The main thing was that sunlight was bad for your health and you should avoid it at all cost. To that extent, he always carried a black travelling sun umbrella which blocked a great deal of sunlight, but the taxi he took hadn’t had any curtains so he had to put his umbrella up in the taxi. The driver looked at him weird, Gabriel had said that he had a condition. As they were driving, people kept looking at him weirdly so he decided to get out of the taxi slightly earlier. Umbrella aside, he was also wearing the school uniform as well as a few extra things to help keep out the sunlight. He was wearing some gloves, some extra high socks and a dense scarf to keep his neck covered. Another problem was that he measured 6 feet tall, and he couldn’t exactly find shade as easily as other people. Still, he really didn’t know what to do, and he really hoped he wasn’t in the wrong place. As he was lamenting over himself, he was approached by a fancily dressed butler. [i][b]”Ah, excuse me,”[/i][/b] The Butler said. [b][i]”Are you perhaps, Sangue-sama?”[/b][/i] [b]”Ah, um, yes I am.”[/b] Gabriel replied. His last name was Italian and it sounded fairly awkward when said with a Japanese accent. [b]”My last name is actually Di Sangue but please just call me Gabriel for now.”[/b] He said. [i][b]”Very well, Gabriel-sama.”[/b][/i] The butler said, acknowledging his request. [b][i]”Now please, follow me.”[/b][/i] Gabriel followed the butler to the mega yacht and down into the lower deck. It was spacious, and Gabriel found that he could walk without having to stoop or anything but he was dismayed to find the lower deck to be still moderately lit with sunlight. That meant he still had to keep his umbrella up, and that would be annoying if the trip was going to take a while. He was brought to what appeared to be a conference room, but to his surprise he saw something that could possibly remedy his unique situation. [i]Curtains![/i] He thought triumphantly. The butler saw him eyeing the curtains and asked, [b][i]”Would you like me to draw the curtains for you, Gabriel-sama?”[/b][/i] he said. [b]”No thanks,”[/b] Gabriel replied, [b]”I’ll do it myself.[/b]” Leaving the butler at the door, Gabriel took a chair from the table, noting the others sitting at the table, and then he took it to the darkest corner of the room, drew the nearby curtains to block out the sunlight and sat down to take out his psychology book and started reading.