[center](Closed)[/center] [center]****[/center] In 1995, an unnamed scientific organization abducted several infants from their homes. These infants were injected with a special chemical that causes painful mutations to occur throughout their life, the last mutation less painful than the last. These infants were all placed in the same town, with families oblivious to their "affliction" when they were first found. This organization has been documenting the lives of these people for the last 20 years. Influencing the experiment in different ways, keeping them apart to see if they would war over territory was one. Another was to see if the town would notice the presence of their mutations and take action. They wanted to see how a creature of myth would survive in the modern world. Little did they know, that their experiment was about to unravel. The year is 2015 and you are a subject of Chemical LW. But you don't know that. You think your "affliction" is just something you were born with. You may hate it. Or you may treasure it. You live in Pocatello, Idaho. For which you are eternally grateful, the long stretches of wilderness and abundance of wildlife give you safe haven to feed and wait out your transformations. Or you may want other meat. Other blood. To do this you had to attack hikers or cars late at night. Maybe you were able to snatch someone from the edge of town, though it's doubtful. You may be a victim to your abilities, dreading the random transformations, terrified you might hurt those around you, even after all these years you've had it. Or you may have learned to control it. Being able to feel the transformations before they happen and take action. Or you may have mastered it, being able to urge transformations when you please. But such skill is rare. You know there are other... let's just say 'Werewolves', in the area. You've encountered them before. Transformed or not. You may have made friends. Or you may have fought. Or you may have just remained neutral. You may fight over hunting grounds and 'Human Access'. You may have formed an alliance with other wolves to keep power. Or you may hate them all. It's really up to you. [b]CS Format[/b] Name: Age: (19-22) Gender: Appearance: (Human and Werewolf. The chemical affects everyone differently, but you always have the ability to move on two legs as well as four) Attitude towards other Werewolves: (Hostile, Friendly, Neutral, etc.) Brief History: