Act 2, Chapter 2: Operation George's Glory April 13th, 2022 After a few more days of research and inventions, it was found out that the power sources the paranormal use was called Cosmodium. It was a special kind of element described as similar to our nuclear material, but infused with magic. It was surprisingly stable and can be used as a new "gasoline" and fossil fuel alternative. The superalloy the paranormal forces left behind was somewhat difficult to re-purpose, but filled the roles well for each and every new idea. It seemed like a normal day until the monitors showed a new report via satellites. A light "scout" dragon carrying troops and cargo for the paranormal was arriving to the continental United States! One of the purposes would be to knock down the satellite to make room for invasions. Fortunately, Center was prepared! He sent a team of two interceptors to flank the dragon. "Fangs out! Engaging bogey." The pilots confirmed taking on the dragon. Engaging with AMRAAM missiles, they were the "fire and forget" missiles. However, the dragon was swift enough to dodge one, but take the other hit! The duo jets actually formed a strategy for the engagement. While one fires and the dragon attempts the dodge, the other jet fires while leading the target to the missile! This would eventually pay off as the dragon got hit squarely in the face, crash landing into an area near Philadelphia. The monitoring staff applauded as the dragon was taken down. "Hoodoo 1-1 and 1-2, report status!" "Center, the bogey is down! We're coming home!" One employee zoomed into the area. "Center, we're reporting movement! Send a team quickly before they call backup." "Acknowledged." The Little Lady was getting ready for another go. "New mission! Search, destroy, recover!" Center also was calling up all volunteers for the mission to Pennsylvania. Fortunately, the area was secluded and was not a landing. Not too much resistance, but the survivors need to be...taken care of.