I'll be leaving some time January and won't be coming back until May, but uh... yeah. [b]Name:[/b] Yui Endoh [b]Race[/b]: Half-Mermaid [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/OcVYUpY.png]That guitar has 22 frets on it.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Extroverted and optimistic, Yui tries to find herself in a crowd as often as possible. She seems to draw energy from other people and enjoys socialization. Though she has a lot of fun speaking and playing with others, Yui derives the most enjoyment from performing. She likes playing her guitar fr others to hear and singing. Often, she would show off using bardic magics to create light shows or even choreographed dances with animated golems. Though she may speak in a positive tone, she might say things in such a way that subtly suggest otherwise. Yui doesn't like talking about her problems. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Yui is primarily a magic user, specializing in two separate schools of magic. She can use mermaid magic, that was passed on by her bother; and bardic magic, which she learned in High School from her "angel of music". Her mermaid magic uses water as well as various substances, usually coral or algae that would typically be found in water in order create a certain desired effect. The mermaid magic Yui was taught primarily focuses on healing and creating armor. Yui's bardic magic is less practical and more gimmicky. Her bardic magic will create light shows and special effects one would normally see on stage. Often, these things are harmless and created purely for entertainment. Yui is known to be able to combine knowledge of both magic styles. [b]Equipment:[/b] Most notable among Yui's usual cargo are: her six string electric guitar, always toted on her back; ten guitar picks, kept in a secret compartment under her normal clothing; and a pair of magic white, overknee stockings, what Yui refers to as "reverse flippers" which allow her to walk on land. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Yui is a second generation, Earth born mermaid with a human father and mermaid mother. To say the least, things were quite strange in the bedroom; but after a few months (less than 9), Yui was raised among three brothers and a sister. Things were challenging for the family, but the family managed on. Yui was never lonely, however. As a child, she was very shy. Yui kept away even from her own siblings, thinking that they needed their mother's attention more than she did- especially when Yui's mother began trying to kill everything within the same area of water that her children were in. Yui's father only rolled his eyes. Because Yui had to walk on land in order to go to school, her entire highschool career had been awkward, even if the entire school was filled with half elves and half dwarves and what have you. Being used to the water, Yui had a hard time fitting in. With flippers in place of feet, Yui had a hard time playing sports. The swim and water polo teams kicked her out, other schools calling her an "unfair advantage". She wasn't particularly gifted academically, even compared to her siblings. Yui instead turned to music. She began singing back up her freshman year for her school's spring performance. Yui was no one special, and the star was chosen among the seniors. Through the course of the production of the show, Yui began learning bardic techniques. Fresh out of High School, Yui wishes to begin a music career.