The long ride to the harbor was almost too much to bear for Kimiko. She could barely contain her excitement when she finally saw the enormous yacht that was waiting to take her over to Zandore Academy. [b]"Okasan look, that boat is huge!"[/b] Her mother had been driving and almost missed the parking spot when she noticed as well. [b][i]"It really is huge..."[/i][/b] Kimiko popped out of the car as the trunk opened up and hauled her sizable luggage bags onto the pavement along with a large backpack. All of the bags were white with a big red 'Honda' written in Hiragana as well as English letters. They were packed all the way to bursting with clothes, books, a toolbox, her laptop, and a few other assorted things. After a long hug goodbye she approached the yacht and was met by a butler of all things. He seemed to recognize her immediately, no doubt because she had opted not to wear the thigh-high socks that came with the school uniform. [b][i]"Kobayashi Sama, I presume?"[/i][/b] [b]"Yes, that's me!"[/b] [b][i]"Please follow me, Kobayashi Sama."[/i][/b] The butler took hold of both handles to her luggage and ushered her below deck to what appeared to be a conference room. She was surprised at how easily he seemed to pull the enormous bags as he moved with a refined grace. The butler took care of her backpack as well and gave a bow as he left, presumably to receive the next arrival. Everything about the yacht seemed opulent and magnificent. Kimiko couldn't help admiring all the elegance around her. Finally her eyes fell on three boys who were apparently other students. The first one she noticed was a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. At first she assumed he was a foreigner but his features were Japanese. [i]Is he half Japanese?[/i] The next one looked Japanese but with green hair and green eyes. [i]Maybe he does cosplay?[/i] The last one sitting in a dark corner by himself was clearly a foreigner with blonde hair and golden eyes scanning a small book he had with him. [i]I wonder what country he's from.[/i] Kimiko found a seat and raised a hand in greeting to everyone. [b]"I'm Kobayashi Kimko, nice to meet you all!"[/b]