Name: Jose Manuel Kagai Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img=] and [img=][/hider] **the arm is a really fancy prosthetic. It doesnt actually do anything, though. Its just there to fill the empty space. [hider=Werewolf Form][img=][/hider] Just without the right arm Attitude towards other Werewolves: Neutral, though if you're friendly he'll be just so. He's a nice guy, he just takes no shit. Brief History: Raised in a mix-race family, he's never felt out of place. His family life has always been good, and while his littler siblings are still kind of freaked out by his... abilities, the rest of his family has always been supportive, which has lead him to being able to control himself. Most night's/full moons when he transforms, he can remain in house and around his family. They joke that he's the family dog, most of the time. He isn't without his stresses though and can occasionally be caught smoking though it disappoints his mother. He currently works at his fathers herbal remedy shop