[b]Beep- Beep- Beep- Beep- Beep.[/b] The dull buzzer rung in his ears for what Jack assumed to be about five minutes before he could actually open his eyes. Looking at the clock he saw the time flashing "4:00am". Jack always had to wake up at this ungodly hour because it took him so long to get ready, he needed at least 3 and a half hours before he could finally drag himself to school. The alarm kept beeping for another minute or so. It beeped for ten minutes before he could make himself sit up- Fifteen minute before he could make himself reach over with his left arm and turn the alarm off. Then he looked at the clock again, "4:28am". A new record. The first thing he did was sit up, and then stumble over to his laptop. He clicked the power button, as it turned on he reached over and grabbed his glasses, putting them on, now he could see the world with a new clarity. Turning back to his computer he pulled up his internet browser, then clicked on 'youtube' in his bookmarks, turned on some music, and then turned his speakers up. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZtRK2LRfnI]Fallout boy- hum hallelujah[/url] played loudly throughout the apartment, music kept him calm, kept the world from hearing him and him from hearing the world. Just how he liked it. His morning routine was more or less the same every morning. take a shower get dressed eat (a lot of the time he skipped this one) let Brenda out of her kennel and feed her Take med's Jack had to take a variety of medications, for depression, mood stabilizing, allergies, daily vitamins, ect, ect. All of this was boring and it never faulted, it was the same every morning, calm, rhythmic, steady...Stable. Jack needed stable. At about 8:00am he was about ready to walk out the door. He walked to school, walked, never driving and never getting a ride. He refused to get in any kind of car or bike or anything, death traps waiting to happen. Luckily the school was only about ten minutes away from his house. The school never minded if he got there at 8-9 because his classes didn't start until 10 and they 'took pity' on him, because he was a shy disabled depressed kid, who was extremely friendly to everyone in the main office, they all warmed up to him and it was surprising what he could get away with. While walking to the school he checked his phone, something he did when he was anxious, then he noticed the reminder on his toolbar. What on earth could that be? [b]4:00am, show new kid around school."[/b] [i]Fuck.[/i] The ladies in the front office had asked him to come into school early to show the new exchange student around school before it started, fuck fuck fuck. He rushed forward, stumbling and tripping every which way in attempts to get to the school. Finally, he got there, and wen't into the front office, when he opened the door a dull 'thud' could be heard, he looked around to find the source of the thud when he noticed he had banged into someone. "O-Oh m-my god. I-I-I am so sorry!" He apologized, stuttering uncontrollably, he slapped a hand over his mouth, both in shock and because he felt stupid because of his stutter. "Oh my, Arvo are you alright?" One of the front office ladies, Mary, asked. "Jackie, watch where you're going, oh my..." She said, looking between the two of them. "Well, Arvo, you're guide is here." She said, in attempts to make a joke.