The journey to Yokohama port was a long and arduous one for Mrs. Suzume Delacroix. She was almost thankful that the family didn't own a car, for she could not imagine spending five hours in one with her daughter. At least in a bus, the presence of other people somewhat made her feel less lonely. The middle-aged woman slid her blue eyes towards her silent companion. The fair-haired teenager sat primly beside her in her neatly pressed uniform, holding her stuffed rabbit close to her chest as she stared out the window. Her daughter had not spoken one word to her throughout the journey, and Suzume hadn't even tried striking up a conversation. She had long since given up trying to understand how Juliette's mind worked. She knew her youngest was different when she had first laid eyes on her in the operation theater. Golden hair, glowing eyes and the brightest of smiles... she had thought she had given birth to an Angel. Only now, she wondered if she was actually a demon in disguise. Suzume shook her head and made the sign of the cross. She was still a mother, and no matter how much her daughter sinned, it was her duty to love and protect her. But she was still human after all. She couldn't help wondering if she had angered God in some way and was being punished for it now. "Okaasan..." The woman jumped at the musical voice, turning to look down at her daughter with wide eyes. Had she really spoken to her? She couldn't tell because Juliette still had her head turned towards the window. "Y-Yes?" stammered Suzume. "Do you think it will rain today? Usa-chan doesn't like getting wet." Suzume glanced at the stuffed bunny, slightly shivering at the sight of its button-eyes. She knew it was ridiculous to be afraid of a toy, but she could never shake off the feeling that it was always watching her. In the past, she had tried to pry the doll off of Juliette, had even burned it once...but it had somehow always made its way back to the child. "I...I don't think it will." The duo was saved from further conversation by the bus gently rolling to a stop as it had finally arrived at its destination. Climbing out of the vehicle, Suzume wondered if they had truly arrived at the right place. Surely the large yacht floating in the harbor wasn't the one her daughter would be boarding? Apparently it was, for Juliette calmly walked towards the yacht, approaching a middle-aged man and exchanging some words with him. Still reeling from shock, Suzume hadn't caught what had been said, but it seemed that her daughter was ready to leave. "Sayonara." Juliette waved impassively, already beginning to ascend the steps leading up to the yacht's deck. "S-Sayonara..." was all Suzume could say as she watched her daughter disappear into the yacht. She knew she shouldn't, but she couldn't help feeling a little relieved, as if all the stress she had been enduring for the past seventeen years had suddenly disappeared with her.