[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/5qhD-_SCKCQUFhZFXSCfob6BdnwYhJTbuPoC5j6GWEquc1bqLIZBd62OFj7JZWgbs_xSgW0Xtk9wklXzVm1PajKZt6Kki79Ka-k4Hs58b6fkio2ClxtrzOb_O1EaGark_prMDA=w407-h642-nc[/img][/center] [center][i]"Hmph, If that is what you think then I shall create my Own Fate!"[/i][/center] [center][b]Name:[/b] Amano Reishi[/center] [center][b]Age:[/b] 19[/center] [center][b]Weapon:[/b] Katana (As you can guess by the picture)[/center] [center][b]Jutsu:[/b] Seninn Modö (Sage Mode), I know what you are thinking: Naruto. Anyways, he can go into Sage mode for at least Minimum is 5-10 mins, Maximum is 20-25 mins. Most of his skills are elevated, including physical abilities. He can go into sage mode using Nature Chakra. His Physical Appearance alo changes into that of a snake.[/center] [center][b]Study Or Work?:[/b] Job at Library, Study at a Highschool[/center] [center][b]Anything else:[/b] Good Martial Artist, and Way of the Ninja![/center]