[quote=Eklispe] The man in the station stelped is fingers toghether and thought. It seemed the others were willing to make themselfs know now, interesting. While the man himself was unwilling to make an appearance perhaps he could send one of his latest toys to assist them. After keying in a ridicously long password Project Chamelon was launched. Near by the fight a small panel opened out of the ground and what appeared to a human size wire frame stepped out. The frame doesn't attack, it merely watches. [/quote] Wire Frame added to the list of entities! The Godmodder notices its arrival. [quote=Mikellh Dejax] "Hm."The chrome picks up a lone pebble on the ground, and tosses it at the Godmodder. The pebble, if it hits will have the mass of one mountain, if it doesn't, it will leave a crater and a large puff of dust in its wake, the chrome man will then manipulate, as the pebble hits the ground, increase the speed of the dust particles to 1.00c, as well as increase their temperatures to about 245 degrees Kelvin, effectively turning the dust particles into molten glass, all charging away from the pebble's point of impact, right at where the Godmodder would be.(the particles would not be converging onto the Godmodder, but accelerating away, as if he was the point of explosion. Its basically a fragmentation grenade type deal, but instead of tactical fragments, its billions of small molten particles.) [/quote] The Godmodder manages to redirect the pebble's trajectory, at the cost of 1 HP. (wow. I could not, for the life of me, come up with a counter.) The Godmodder is frustrated with the mystery chrome man. Twice now that man has hurt him. The Godmodder approached more rapidly than he would be able to follow, and punched him into oblivion, causing him to respawn. There, now the Godmodder felt satisfied. [quote=Megadraco] "Do you really think I'd underestimate a foe who took over their position of his world's Death?!" asked M to the new arrival. "I'm boastful and crazy, not stupid!" After this, and noticing the powerful attack sent the man in a suit, he stood back and created a personal forcefield around himself, in an attempt to stop the dust particles. He poured nearly all of his concentration into it, making it nigh indestructible. Of course, nothing else could tresspass it. [/quote] You just wasted your energy! [hider=Godmodder Stats] [b]Godmodder HP:[/b] 97/100 [/hider] [hider=Anti-Godmodder Stats] [b]Wire Frame:[/b] 250/250 [/hider]