Lyra smiled at Nico and wrapped her soft and elegant fingers around the dagger in her velvet and black silk bag an instant reaction due to her being terrified and being much to dignified to show it, "Yes well I assume you will look quite wonderfully professional as you have in the past my dear Nico." Lyra smiled quite softly when the other girls arrived, "Hello fellow ladies I do hope we will get to become friends." There was something in the conversation that struck Lyra with anger, Nico had been exiled? How crude. This simply would never sit right with her, "Nico if the day comes for us to go home you are to live with me." She didn't leave room for her to say no as a cheerful voice filled the air around them. This man was sleek and somewhat pretty but he gave off a rather odd aura, she watched as Nico shushed them silently and she caught her meaning, "Yes good butler mister Nico is but another gift from Town. I am Lady Lyrianna Desull Renall, also known as Lyra, I am the finest musician and lady the town could offer." She knew her name would spark bad thoughts but she hadn't the slightest idea why every time she spoke her last name people tended to shy away from her. How was she supposed to know she was the daughter of a lord of crime?