To the passerby, it would almost seem comical how Victor's mother fussed about the boy. Straightening his already straight tie, smoothing his already smoothed collar, then frowning and patting at his hair to try and calm the nest. Victor simply smiled, allowing her to fuss and fret. He was used to this before. Though she wasn't his birth mother, she played the part almost flawlessly. The boy's green eyes roamed to the black car that had driven him to the port. Inside sat his sister at the wheel, idly staring at her phone and texting as the smoke from her cigarette drifted out the open window. A pinch on the cheek brought him back to focus on the sharp dressed woman in front of him, who gave a glare. "Muzzer, I'll be fine, ja? You vorry much." The woman gave another once over of the boy's uniform, seeming satisfied that she had fluffed and shuffled the outfit around enough. A hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Victor turned towards the harbor, staring at the gargantuan yacht with some trepidation. It was massive. Victor was fairly used to such sights, his father had taken him to several parties with wealthy associates and such, but this thing was borderline ridiculous. He tugged slightly at the tie. The uniform was nice. Maybe a little cheaper than his own suits, but nothing to be picky about. The German took a breath, and headed over to the yacht, his large suitcase wheeling behind him. Within were his own clothes, various books on medicine and anatomy, and a set of surgical instruments. A gift from his father at the age of 12, well crafted tools made of stainless steel. He had only ever used them once, on a cadaver in a hospital. An experiment that helped reveal his natural...talent. Victor's eyes fell on a man waiting near the dock of the yacht. His German was excellent! It made Victor all the more self conscious of how stilted his Japanese could sound if he didn't focus on his pronunciation. "Ja, but I can Japanese. How did you-" "You're father called ahead of time and mentioned the car you would be arriving in. Seems he was a bit nervous about your safety. May I take your bag?" "O-oh, sank you." Probably more nervous about how it would look if his son didn't arrive on time more than his safety. The boy handed over the suitcase, and was shown inside. As the butler opened the door to the conference room, Victor's eyes were greeted by several other faces of other students. He smiled, his usual habits of immediately putting up the best side he could flooding up. A moment's pause, then the boy turned bright red. "...Unnnd I just said zat all German, ja? Es tut mir leid, um, let me try again. Hallo, I'm Victor Steiner, it is pleasure to meet all." Was he supposed to bow? Pretty sure he had to bow. Bowing was polite in Japan right? Or was that outdated? Scheisse! Okay, go with a bow. Victor gave an awkward bow after a good fifteen seconds of silence, face still quite red. A rocky start, to say the least...