As odd trio began their journey, with the taller Twili moving more slowly than usual so that Happy would not be troubled to keep pace with them, Midna answered. “Magic. Specifically, telekinesis, the moving of objects with the mind. Both Zant and I are sorcerers, you see, but that's only part of what makes us stronger than Zelda.” Knowing now that the salesman had been at her speech, Midna opened the political floodgates. This man, she decided, she would try to convert. “Every word rang with truth. Some overstatements were made to carry the point across, certainly, but I am a firm believer in the power of a person with ideals. The legends foretell that this Princess will be stolen from her people and the land plunged into darkness. In the tales, it is the Hero of Time that saves her, but by instituting a new, stronger ruler, that hardship need never come.” At a fork in the street, she paused to ask Happy which direction he recommended. A few second later, the trio was on its way once more, headed out of the trade district and toward the societal district. Only a few steps down the left road, however, a wide-eyed couple of teenagers accosted them. “Whoa!” bubbled the older one, a girl with short, blonde hair of about fourteen years. “You're Midnight! You were...Magtail...tomatoes...I heard you were killed!?” Zant moved the rain-shield forward a bit so that it protected the children as well. Noticing the magical construct, they stared at it in wonderment. The Twilight Princess stooped so her eyes were on level with the young Hylians, grasping their attention. Very seriously, she chimed, “The fanatic Goron nearly got me, my sweet, but I was able to escape just in time.” Regaining her full height, Midna adopted a regal gesture, with one fist against her hip and the other over her hair clasp. Her eyes shut, she declared dramatically, “Never fear. It takes a lot more than that to pull one over on Princess Midna.” One of her eyes opened, and it looked down at the girl with a twinkle. “That's me!” She cast her arms wide and snapped her fingers. Out of nowhere, a slight ripple of red, angular electricity passed over her arms, creating bright sparks. Clapping their hands, the children expressed their amazement. “Wow! She's got magic tricks,” the older one whispered, and her little sister agreed. “Yeah! Way cooler than the other Princess! We gotta tell Beck!” With that, they rushed off, their feet making a quick series of splashes against the wet pavement. “Not too fast now, or you'll slip! And tell your parents too!” Midna called after them. Zant's voice emanated from behind her, not much louder than the insistent drone of rain on roofs. “The rumors are moving faster than I imagined. The people must be starved for something -or someone- extraordinary. I doubt that all the citizens will be so easily impressed.” His illuminating orange gaze fell upon the Happy Mask Salesman. “And...what about you...sir? What do you think?” While it was clear he was attempting to be sociable, it was equally clear that it wasn't his strong suit. “