Images danced around Navi's head as she slept, images of a much changed Hyrule, another time, when she was young and the world was simpler. Navi received a shock as something warm, and glowing and good flowed into her pulling her mind from unconsciousness. It had been a long time since she'd felt the raw energy that fairies were supposed to be exposed to. She felt energized and awake, in a reflect reaction Navi grabbed the wrist of the one imbuing her with magic. Navi opened her eyes and the memories of what she had seen shortly before passing out came back to her. In front of her was Fi, the eternal spirit of the Master's Sword and Link, or rather the Link of this time. Navi became suddenly fearful, what would he think if he knew what she'd done. It was enough that she could imagine the hurt and anger on the Hero of Time's face every time she closed her eyes without seeing it on the face of a living Link. [i]Fi, can you hear me?[/i] Navi prayed that the sword spirit could hear the thought she projected. They were still linked if only momentarily and hopefully Fi would understand her. [i]Fi, do not tell him who I am. I am not asking you to lie merely do not contradict whatever I say to him regarding myself. Please I am begging you.[/i] Not letting any of what she'd communicated with the sword spirit show on her face Navi smiled, a welcoming and kind smile but one that showed no real connection to either of them, as if she was merely an observer. "Mistress Fi," Navi said inclining her head. "it is good to see you again after all this time, I trust you are well." Then she turned to the Hero that sat in front of her. "You of course must be the Hero of this Era, it is my honor to meet the bearer of the Triforce of Courage." She bowed her head to him. "I must apologize for my entrance, in my haste to reach this place I used more magic than my body could sustain." There was a popular misconception among the mortal races about fairies that said they could not lie. It was not true in the strictest sense, it was more that most fairies preferred not too and the more mischievous ones enjoyed seeing the effect double talk, and half truths as well as selective answers had on mortals. Navi preferred the method of half-truths they were easier to keep track of than complete fabrications. "My name is Ciela, I am an emissary of the Great Fairies and a servant of the Deku Tree." It was not a complete lie, every fairy who entered into the mortal plane was technically an ambassador of the fairy realm, and whether he wished her service or not she would always be loyal to the Deku Tree, though he had been but a sprout when he'd banished her from the Kikiri Forest. "The Fairy realm is aware that the Blade of Evil's Bane has been drawn before it's time. It is not yet Hyrule's darkest hour nor has the Hero been called for, yet it sits in your hands." Navi did not mean to make Link feel as if he had done the wrong thing drawing the blade but the awakening of the Hero when it was drawn would be felt by all those it concerned, perhaps subtly or else in a more obvious and immediate fashion as it had with her. Taking the Sword before it was needed could bring down the very calamity that it was forged to prevent. "I mean no disrespect to you Master Link or to Mistress Fi, after so long she deserves her freedom, I am merely pointing out that the Master's Sword contains a great power, one felt by many and having it in the world may spurn the Demon King into action. It is took late to replace the Sword, I am here therefore to offer my assistance. The Great Fairy wishes the Sword watched over in case its long rest has dulled it or its power was tampered with while Fi slept, it has happened before and it would not do to send the Hero into battle were the Blade of Evil's Bane not at its greatest potential." Navi watched as the barkeep returned with a meal intended for Link. her stomach growled, the Sword Magic had restored her but it could not fill her stomach. "Pardon my impetuousness Master Link but could I trouble you for a meal? This mortal form grows weak, I require nourishment to sustain it."