Happy watched the kids run in the opposite direction. He chuckled. "Perhaps I should consider a position in politics. Perhaps then people will be as eager to see me." He looked at Zant, still completely unable to read him. "I think you and your princess know how to handle yourselves very well. If people ho would never likely be seen at the Magtail know who you are just by looking at you, news of your speech has probably spread through half of Castle Town by now. I admire that. It took me [i]decades[/i] to get that many people to recognize me and, yet, I'm still just another merchant." He sighed, a hint of longing and sadness in his breath. He started leading them don the road, shifting his pack every now and then to release pressure. "Also, you are quite persuasive. No one has tried to kill you yet. Had someone like me made the same proposal, I'd have been dead [i]hours[/i] ago. As for my feelings on the situation itself? I'm not entirely certain. I agree that Zelda is no good for Hyrule. However, I know so little about you and your people. Though I am interested to learn." He decided honesty was the best tactic. He wasn't trying to get them into trouble or anything, he was just very curious. He gave them a genuine smile.