Linked nodded to the fairy, she was quite a sight he motion for the waiter quickly ordering a second meal as she had asked for so politely. He pondered what she had said, perhaps drawing the sword had caused whatever he should face to awaken. Or perhaps the power was sealed by the sword and by removing it he had set in motion a chain of events he would have stop. He began to plan silently as he ate, he was never much for conversation but when he had to solve a problem he often drifted away his mind solving the problem as his body performed without thought he feed himself and even reached over and took a drink occasionally, his mind distant he even noticed the arrival of Ciela's food. He finally had come up with a plan encase Fi couldn't give him a answer. He knew the three Tri-force bearers himself, Zelda, and this Ganondorf fellow, Zelda being wisdom should be able to advise him on what course of action to take. Yet the front door was out of the question, stealth it would be but how to sneak in to the castle, suddenly a memory caught him, the moat around the castle ran from a river inside, he could crawl in through the hole where the water left the castle and then make his way through the garden afterword heading towards the throne room and then it would be a matter of waiting until he could step out and present the problem he faced. He gave himself a smile at his plan, nodding having this satisfied smile on his face as he waited for Fi's response to his earlier question hoping he wouldn't need his insane and convoluted plan.