[center][b]"My eyebrows are as thin as my patience." [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/85daac8bcf28d92acdd86d2674d8f093/tumblr_ndxr9veKNt1r4n9yho1_r1_1280.jpg[/img] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/f0f312d6d20541a9db72afbd8d225a5f/tumblr_nfaad5dlVQ1r4n9yho1_1280.jpg[/img][/b][/center] [u][b]Name: [/b][/u] Heidi "Fish" Fitcher [u][b]Age: [/b][/u] Eighteen [u][b]Year: [/b][/u] Senior [u][b]Associated With[/b][/u] Goths [u][b]Biography: [/b][/u] Fish was born the middle child to a family of five, and if this biography ended right here, it's pretty easy to guess from there the direction he went. Fighting for attention from his two siblings, Fish found kin in friends at school, where they cared and pampered for him while his parents busied themselves with his siblings. It was around the end of middle school where he started his goth mindset, dressing in black jeans and tees, with bracelets that went up to his elbows. At first, he did it to follow the crowd- his crowd of friends- but soon started to develop his own style. He started dressing classier, wasting money on fitted suits and vests and shoes and brooches- he changed so much that he finally got what he wanted: attention from his parents. They stopped giving him money, which was fine with Fish because he got a work permit and started getting jobs to fit his lifestyle, his older sister sometimes sending him cheap but pretty brooches from when she visited, his brother making sure to keep his mouth shut whenever Fish sneaked upstairs with a box of ordered clothes. Of course, his style hasn't been the only thing on his mind- he's been thinking hard about school, too, and although his parents believe he'll end up living off of them for years before going to a college, Fish has actually saved up quite a bit. [u][b]Why you need the job:[/b][/u] He lost one of his jobs. -- [center][b]"Eat, sleep, ace, repeat."[/b] [img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/112846104/large.jpg[/img] [/center] [u][b]Name: [/b][/u] Liam Tsang [u][b]Age: [/b][/u] Seventeen [u][b]Year:[/b][/u] Junior [u][b]Associated With[/b][/u] Asian Geeks [u][b]Biography: [/b][/u] Liam currently lives with his aunt and uncle, his parents abroad. They'd lived at first in America with Liam, but went back home after dissatisfaction with the change. Liam, who was only in first grade at the time, had no choice but to return with them, only coming back to America in the sixth grade after he'd convinced his parents he wanted to continue here. As it turns out, while Liam did like America better, the people he'd known in kindergarten had changed drastically (duh), leaving him out of place, hanging out instead with his cousins and his cousin's friends, which mainly included of the Asians and Indians that snorted education. Somehow Liam, too, fell into the habit of studying more than he socialized, taking advanced classes and discussing physics at lunch. As graduation comes closer, he has started to overwork himself, from searching for a job to visiting colleges to working on portfolios. His parents are pleased with his malleable attitude, and having gotten used to it, get angry whenever Liam speaks up about something he believes in- shooting the duck before it takes flight, if you will. Despite that, Liam has a surprising tenacity about him. [u][b]Why you need the job:[/b][/u] For the experience. --- oh golly hopefully this is good,, i tend to ramble in bios so i tried to make them short but boy do they look like a mess;;