The artillery destroyed the trenches and after a barrage, Ares ordered in the Assault Division, as the other divisions followed behind. The artillery seemed to have done most of the work, everyone was either dead or attempting to crawl for safety with what limbs they had left. Ares found one of these such soldiers. Not wanting to waste a mircofusion cell, he instead stomped on the crawling form's skull until it resembled a squashed tomato. The support division looted the corpses as the Assault Division pushed forward into the suburbs. Ares walked with them, ordering the leader's to rendezvous with him as the troops secured the area, "Medical and Support will set up camp here while Assault and Explosive push forward. Recon, there is a chance that there are snipers in the area, so take some of your guys and scout it out." The leaders nodded, going to their respective positions. Ares could tell that his newest Lieutenant, Rhett, was unnerved by his appearance and how he sounded. He would have to address that later. Doctors were always a bit more...intimidated by him for some reason. They pushed forward, Humans and Ghouls going cover to cover, Robots rolling down the middle of the street. They were clearing the streets house by house and so far, there was no activity in the last two blocks. Then gunfire erupted from a nearby community center. Dozens of lasers and plasma shots slammed into the building, shredding through cover slightly less sturdy than a brick wall. Ares estimated that there was about 27 enemy troops in the area. Several Mutants ran into the building and red and green lit up the interior. 19. It seems this particularly detachment was expendable to the main force. The troop moved on, methodically clearing buildings. Turning a corner, the force was met with a small barricade with a mounted machine gun. At least 4 soldiers went down before anyone got to cover. Ares returned fire from behind a shop sign, Sky ordered a missile to blow that outpost sky high. Apparently there were some explosives as well because there was nothing left of the structure after a sentry bot sent a missile rocketing their way. 13 left. [i]Crack![/i] A sniper shot slams into the same Sentry bot's rocket launcher disabling it. It's turret revs up and demolishes the spot where the shot had come from. 12 left. "Push forward with caution!" Ares ordered, leading the troop farther into the suburbs. A yelp came from a nearby house as an enemy soldier was thrown down the stairs leading to the front door. A soldier from Recon walked out and put a laser round through the soldier's head, his skull exploding into a fountain of brains and blood. The soldier nodded to Ares then went back into the house. 11 though Ares with some pride. Olivia, a prominent member of the Recon Division, came out of the same house and saluted. "Sir, the remaining enemies have dug in at a high school a couple blocks from here. The force is small, but better equipped than the other detachments." Ares did some quick calculations. "I see, well done soldier, inform the other divisions to push up to the high school, it will be secured by the time you get back. Tell Medical we have a few casualties as well." Olivia saluted again, then disappeared into the house. The troop continued forward, the Explosives division taking point. The plan was to bomb the crap out of their dug in positions and then unload hundreds of cells on them until there was nothing left. The street they were on started to rise and Ares saw several signs pointing to a school zone. As soon as they crested the hill, they were assaulted by lead, killing 3 soldiers, damaging one robot, and injuring 4 soldiers. Their comrades pulled the wounded back and the robot manged to back pedal so they could return fire. Olivia wasn't kidding, this place was locked down tight. "Change of plans, Sky. I want them vaporized. Hit that school with everything you got." he said heatedly, Sky already rallying her troops. There was already 8 dead and he wasn't about to lose anymore. The Explosives division sent everything they had at the school. And everybody in a one mile radius could feel it. Half of the already decrepit building fell down and crushed everyone within. Enemies left: 0. The troop moved forward, tired but victorious. Ares picked up a dead soldier and carried her in his arms. Later that day when camp was settled, injuries tended to and the dead accounted for, Supply started handing out ammo and food. Ares wrote a report and stored it into an eye-bot, which buzzed away to deliver the message and receive orders.