[b]First Town[/b] Darrik walked through the crowd of people, not bothered by the warm of his winter gear. Taking his cap off and putting a hand through his hair, Darrik sighed. 'Mountain assignment's he thought 'Nothing else like 'em.' Putting his cap back on, he brushes the length of his sword, razor edge teeth shining in the light. He walked around the town, going into the inn and saying hi to local bartender, an old friends of his. He stepped out of the door when a pamphlet flew at his face. Darrik grabbed it and read the words. "A tournament huh. Knowing my guild, they will all be all up this ones butt." Smirking, he looked around for familiar faces. Seeing the carriage, he heads over to Charlie with a wide grin. "Charlie! You sly bastard! Are you here for the tournament?" he boomed. He walks up to him and gives Charlie a big hug. "Never visited me up there in the mountains. Bastard!"