Vivi looked over the room's occupants as she entered with the other girls. She hadn't been sure what to expect upon arrival, but this wasn't...the worst that could have happened, she supposed. Right next to her, she could only just hear what Ali was saying, and she agreed; these people looked oddly normal. Granted, she didn't know them, and they could just be trying to trick them or something to get their guard down...or maybe she was just paranoid. There must be some reason for the rumors, though, right? Attempting to hold her head high and look at them all at least once, she decided that it would be best to mind her manners in any case. "Um, It's nice to meet you, I think." Darn it! That could have been a bit more decisive. At least it was out of the way. ...Wait a minute. What was that one wearing? That outfit...was probably the most beastly thing here in her opinion. So flashy and irritating, though it would likely be rude to say such a thing. Perhaps they really weren't that normal after all.