William, once he had heard of the mission, practically sprinted into the Little Lady. His trusty shotgun was in his hands and on his belt was a Vibrating Knife, also known as a Vibroblade. These were practically mini-chainsaws as they, because of their movements and vibrations, could cause massive harm to a paranormal by cutting them up like a hot knife through butter. Except with more blood. Lots more blood. He got in first, as was standard, since sergeants and above had to help out the rookies, corporals and whatever were below their rank. Speaking of... "Hey, rookie. Don't get us killed out there. If your multiple personalities fuck this up..." He said in a direct voice. As Luc and Angus came in, uneasy silence started. Then, the silence was broken as Luc and Angus spoke. Will stayed silent throughout, only speaking when their discussion came to a close and Angus greeted the rookie. "...Hey, Luc. Look, kid, it was her own choice. She knew the risks and she still said yes, for all of us, so that she could be better on the field," he said. "Besides, the risks aren't high. She won't die. She might have a different body, but she'll still be your sister." His sympathy and gentle tone of voice quickly left him. "So keep your chin up and focus on kicking some paranormal ass. That goes for all of you. We're going up against something Paracom has never seen." Will, living up to his nickname of 'Assassin', grinned. "We're gonna go up against a dragon."