To teach well is to teach from the heart, not [i]with[/i] the heart. It seemed that there was more on Mr.Roman's mind than grading papers. He recently started meeting with this new student in his Latin course for study sessions in the library. Everytime he would get there, the scent of her perfume would put him at ease and the soft look of her lips after applying chapstick made it even harder to resist her. He knew that she was always excited for their private study meetings, but was it for the same purpose? He was glad that he could see her for more than an hour a day. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her, and that was a fact. It was like her soft brunette hair was a web that he couldn't break free from, and he was held captive in it. He would stay willingly. He strolled down the stairs with his lesson plans and study guides tucked under his arm, peeking into the library to see if she were there. She was, and his heart melted a little. She had just finished touching up her hair and put on his favorite chapstick that she wore. He took a deep breath and walked in, clearing his throat to announce his arrival. "Hello, Reina. How are you? Did you enjoy the lesson today?" He tried to keep it casual, but excitement peaked in his voice. He tried to adjust the lesson plans as to how she had explained was her preferred method of learning, but he didn't think that he had noticed. "I brought you an extra study guide just in case." He slid it over to her and sat down across from her, his leg accidentally brushing hers. "Sorry." He mumbled, flipping through papers, trying to distract himself from the thought of how soft her skin was.