[i]"...we'll see how loud you can sing."[/i] The words were so familiar that it took her a few moments to register that they had not come from Davor. Sora looked at the man frowning in confusion. Her hands tightened in the Sentinels clothing as she shifted back a bit, almost as if despite his non living state he was still her protector. She didn't like him. Sora belonged to Davor, no one else was supposed to make her sing. [i]"NOW, Finn."[/i] She glanced at the man that had yelled at the other and tilted her head to the side staring at him. Movement from the corner of her eye made her glance at Finn leaving and quickly returned back to Allen. He didn't seem like an immediate threat so she turned back to Davor and whimpered. The poor little song bird scooted closer to his chilling body and curled up on his chest. She had never felt lost or sadness and she felt so confused at the feelings inside her. Her arms wrapped around his body, her hands moving in a slight stroking motion as if she was trying to warm him back up. But there was no heart beat and she lifted her head to look at his face. He was dead... She snuggled closer to him and started to cry, it was the only thing that felt right. It would be a while before the anger at the humans rose in her chest, blaming them for his death, viewing them as cold-hearted murderers, and loathing them to her core... but for now only the heart-breaking grief she felt held her emotions. So she cried harder and sobbed; tears ran down shamelessly and snot began to run down her nose. Sora's breath catching at time making her gasp for air between sobs.