Japan was too much, she had decided when her connecting flight touched down in Narita International Airport. Even just flying over Tokyo made her feel insignificantly small; it's mass was of a scale that she could barely even comprehend. Aoife had been to New York before but Tokyo demolished it in terms of size, or at least that's what she thought. The city had an undeniable beauty about it, however, and she snapped a good few pictures of it with the expensive camera that had been a parting gift from her parents. Although she had been notified of the school nearly a year before-hand, and she had begun learning Japanese not long after, she was still horrible at the language. Still, Aoife could technically be counted as fluent but she would have needed some serious help when it came to speaking the language. It took about another hour before she could actually escape the airport, which was already overloading her with information. Reaching down to the small satchel on her hip, she removed the map that had been sent in the post with directions and bus times. Passively nibbling down on her bottom lip, she scanned the information on the leaflet before casting her eyes up again, trying to find the bus which would get her where she needed to go. Eventually, she gave up and using a mixture of poor Japanese and English, she got a policeman to give her directions to the bus. Once she was on the home straight, she could actually relax a little. No one seemed to bother her, despite her pale complexion and white hair standing out like a sore thumb. Even though it was only Spring in Japan, it felt like a summer from Ireland. It wasn't hot, it was just warm and Aoife really disliked being too warm. She was adamant in not taking her gloves off though, even if they didn't look brilliant with her shorts and t-shirt. The bus ride took another few hours and in that time, she blasted through a book and took a few shots of the Japanese landscape before falling into a deep sleep, spread out over her own seat and the free seat beside her. She woke, thankfully, when the bus driver stopped and exclaimed through the speakers that they had reached their destination. Yawning and looking a little groggy, she trudged off the bus before fetching her suitcase. After that, she just had to get a bus down to the Yokohama port, which looked like something out of the future. When she got off that bus, she peeled out the leaflet and analysed the address before looking up, a massive yacht catching her eye. "Aoife-sama?" A voice came from in front of her, causing her to jump a little in surprise. Her Japanese wasn't the best but she was certain this man was talking to her. He appeared, from her best guesses, to be a butler of some sort. "Yes? How do you know who I am?" She questioned, quirking an eyebrow as she slid the leaflet away and batted her camera round to her hip. Then, in almost-perfect English, he smiled and nodded to her. 'With all respect, Aoife-sama, you have quite a memorable look.' A small blush touched her cheeks but she didn't take offence - he was right, after all. Smiling softly, she heaved the heavy suitcase up onto the path before the man rushed forward and took it from her. Content with having him take it, she allowed him to lead the way. "If you will follow me." He murmured quickly as they moved towards the gargantuan yacht. She was stunned that a school even had money to afford something like this but she wasn't asking any questions. The transition from the port up onto the boat was shaky, especially when you don't particularly like boats and you're nearly knocked over by a racing teenage boy. Sending him a dark look that she wasn't even sure he received, she followed the butler down into the interior, which appeared just as rich as the outside. Just when she was about to step through the door, the same boy cut in front of her and tripped upon entering the room. Rolling her eyes and stepping over him, she gave a small wave to the crowd of students, emitting a weak "Aoife" in introduction before she moved over and sat down in one of the corner seats.