"Man, what did I tell you?" Josh's voice was teasing as he helped Travis get shakily to his feet. "You've got a fountain in the back of your head, no way you are going on any more runs tonight." "Shut up Josh." Once on his feet Travis was steadier, and he brushed his partner aside to put his own hand on the gauze. He'd known the truth, but it always sucked to get taken off rotation, especially so early in his shift. Being an EMT was where he'd always wanted to be at in his career. It had taken a long time for him to get into the kind of physical condition he'd needed to do the job really well, and then to get on the alpha shift that worked for his schedule. It didn't leave him a lot of time to have a life outside of work, and that could suck. He'd dated briefly over the summer, but after the third call in Brian had flat out told him that he wasn't worth the effort. They'd reconciled over that eventually- after Brian's face had healed- but that had been his last romantic entanglement. Now he was going to be put off a shift, and the one time he had a night off there was nothing to do and no one to do it with. "Alright Doc, he's all yours. I'm going to call us in and see about a replacement, Trav, but I'll stay and drive you home after." "Thanks, man." Travis waved in the general direction of his partner, then looked up at Ryan. "Alright, Doc, lead the way."